| TV Review: The Flash 2.19 “Back To Normal”
The Flash
Season 2 Episode 19: “Back to Normal”
Directed by John Showalter
Written by Brooke Roberts & Katherine Walczak
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Tom Cavanagh
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, April 26th, 2016, 8:00pm Last week on The Flash, we got the serial killer backstory of Hunter Zolomon aka Zoom (Teddy Sears). Barry (Grant Gustin) almost lost his mind with his need to save Earth-2 from Zoom. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) agreed to vibe to create a breach, and was successful with Harry’s (Tom Cavanagh) help. Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) moved in and immediately got kidnapped by Zoom. Barry sacrificed his speed to save Wally. Then Zoom kidnapped Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker). Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Brooke Roberts, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, John Showalter, Katherine Walczak, The CW, The Flash, Tom Cavanagh, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 2.18 “Flash Versus Zoom” |

The Flash
Season 2 Episode 18: “Flash Versus Zoom”
Directed by Stefan Pleszcynski
Written by Joe Peracchio & David Kob
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Tom Cavanagh
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, April 19th, 2016, 8:00pm Last time on The Flash, we got a dose of nostalgia as Barry (Grant Gustin) went back in time to get evil Dr. Wells aka Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) to help him run faster. We got to see Eddie (Rick Cosnett) once more, and Barry got Eddie to make a love video for future Iris (Candace Patton), who had been having a hard time moving on. Past Wells figured it out but agreed to help future Barry anyway. Barry mucked it up even more so that Cisco and Caitlin (Carlos Valdes and Danielle Panabaker) found out too. His only saving grace was that he did not reveal what was in store for Thawne. We don’t know the full consequences of his time traveling actions, only that when he got back, Hartley Rathaway (Andy Mientus) was now on Team Flash. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Danielle Panabaker, David Kob, DC Comics, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Joe Peracchio, Stefan Pleszcynski, The CW, The Flash, Tom Cavanagh, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 2.15 “King Shark” |

The Flash
Season 2 Episode 15: “King Shark”
Directed by Hanelle Culpepper
Written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Tom Cavanagh
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016, 8:00pm Last week on The Flash, Zoom kidnapped Barry (Grant Gustin), and the team of Cisco, Harry, Killer Frost, and Earth-2’s Barry and Iris (Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Danielle Panabaker, Gustin, and Candice Patton) go to get him back. While Barry is locked in the cage, he bonds with Jesse (Violett Beane) and tries to communicate with helmet guy. They succeed in subduing Zoom (mainly Killer Frost did it), and get away. They whoosh back into Earth-1 at the last second, but as the last breach is closing, Zoom’s arm juts out and kills Jay (Teddy Sears), pulling him back with him. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Benjamin Raab, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Deric A. Hughes, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Hanelle Culpepper, Jesse L. Martin, The CW, The Flash, Tom Cavanagh, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 2.14 “Escape From Earth-2” |

The Flash
Season 2 Episode 14: “Escape From Earth-2”
Directed by J.J. Makaro
Teleplay by David Kob
Story by Todd Helbing & Aaron Helbing
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Tom Cavanagh
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, February 16th, 2016, 8:00pm Last week we saw the best episode of The Flash ever, as our gang traveled to Earth-2, and we were as excited as Barry and Cisco (Grant Gustin and Carlos Valdes). There were so many little sights and clues that really brought this great series to the next level – Supergirl and the old Flash (John Wesley Shipp) whizzing by in the breach, Snart as mayor, Deadshot as a cop with horrible aim, and Earth-2 Joe (Jesse L. Martin) as a lounge singer, hating on Barry-2 for marrying his daughter. Barry steals his doppelganger in order to “be” him – Barry-2 is a super lab tech geek working for Detective West… Detective Iris West (Candice Patton). Caitlin and Ronnie (Danielle Panabaker and Robbie Amell) are in love on this earth too (2!), except they are villains Killer Frost and Death Storm working for Zoom, along with Reverb, Cisco’s smooth doppelganger. My Cisco is so much cooler though. Somehow, they escape unscathed (not Joe-2, Deathstorm, or Reverb), but Zoom steals Barry. I thought last week that the helmet guy knocking on the cage was Diggle-2, but I think I changed my mind. I’m not sure who he is. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Aaron Helbing, Andrew Kreisberg, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, The CW, The Flash, Todd Helbing, Tom Cavanagh, Warner Bros TV | |
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| TV Review: The Flash 2.13 “Welcome To Earth-2” |

The Flash
Season 2 Episode 13: “Welcome to Earth-2”
Directed by Millicent Shelton
Written by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Katherine Walczak
Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Tom Cavanagh
Created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns
The CW
Air Date: Tuesday, February 9th, 2016, 8:00pm Last week’s episode of The Flash found Barry and Wells (Grant Gustin and Tom Cavanagh) racing to close the breaches, while Wells began leeching the speed from The Flash, putting him in considerable danger. And he kept warning Barry while he was doing it. In the end, he just could not betray Barry, and confessed all. They threw him in a cell, but good guy Barry decided to help him instead of punish him, setting the stage for a trio to Earth-2. Iris (Candace Patton) tried to investigate the drag racing to try to get her brother out of it, but got hurt. Oh, and the meta of the day was Tar-Pit, and he was pretty easily defeated. Spoilers for tonight’s “Earth-2” episode below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Kreisberg, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdez, Danielle Panabaker, DC Comics, Geoff Johns, Grant Gustin, Greg Berlanti, Jesse L. Martin, Katherine Walczak, Millicent Shelton, The CW, The Flash, Tom Cavanagh, Warner Bros TV | |
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