So we all know that Ridley Scott‘s Alien: Covenant pretty much forced Neill Blomkamp‘s Alien to be put on hold indefinitely. That rumor was going on for a while even before it got confirmed. Though it was still early at the time, Sigourney Weaver said that Blomkamp’s Alien would be a genetic sibling to the first two Alien films, and the District 9 director confirmed that it would be connected to the first two, then try to establish that bridge between Aliens and Alien 3.
Weaver said she wanted to “take Ripley out of sort of orbiting around in space and give a proper finish to what was such an excellent story.” Now, new details are emerging on how that would have happened. In an interview, Michael Biehn, who played Corporal Dwayne Hicks in James Cameron’s Aliens, talked about Blomkamp’s vision, which would have reunited him with Ripley and an older Newt. Check out his full quote below.
Though Blomkamp’s Alien film is pretty much dead in the water, Biehn spoke to Icons Of Fright. He has confidence that after Ridley Scott finishes his work on Alien: Covenant, Fox will move forward with Blomkamp’s vision for the next installment of the Alien franchise. He’s what he had to say,
The basic idea is acting like Alien 3 and 4 never existed. “¦ I know Ridley Scott is doing his movie first and is going to be the executive producer on this one, so I’m really looking forward to that. I know that Ridley’s focus is on [Alien: Covenant] and I’m sure that he and Fox both don’t want that and Neill’s movie to come out right next to each other, because they’re kind of two different worlds, with Aliens taking place thousands of years later, which is how they explained it all to me, but at the same time, they want to give them a similar feel. I know they’re putting the brakes on Neill’s movie just for a little while, but I really think that it would be embarrassing to Ridley and Fox and Sigourney [Weaver] if they just didn’t make the movie.
They’re planning on bringing me and Newt back and at this point Newt will be around twenty-seven years old. I know that every actress in Hollywood is going to want to play this one, it’s really a passing of the torch between Sigourney and this younger actress who would play Newt. It would keep the franchise alive and the studios would make money, because that’s what the bottom line is now: money. That’s why you end up seeing Terminator 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 and The Fast And Furious 7, 8, 9, and 10.
While shared universes are currently a big thing in the industry, there are others who are using the “passing of the torch” narrative to keep some franchises alive and within the same continuity. Check out what WB is doing with Creed.
But with Alien: Covenant being a sequel to the Alien prequel Prometheus – yes it is all very confusing, I know – how would Neill Blomkamp’s film have stayed within the same continuity, acknowledge the Alien films that came before it, and not overlap? This question will seem to go unanswered for now, and maybe will stay that way for quite some time. We know that the crew members of the space ship Covenant thinks they discovered paradise on a distant planet, whose sole inhabitant is the “synthetic” David (Michael Fassbender), survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition. But how will those events in that film have an effect on future Prometheus and (possibly) Alien sequels?
We’ll be sure to keep you posted on that as soon as we hear of more developments.
[Source: Icons Of Fright]
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