Season 4 Episode 11: “A.W.O.L.”
Directed by Charlotte Brandstrom
Written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich
Created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg
Starring Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, John Barrowman, Paul Blackthorne
The CW
Air Date: Wednesday, January 27th, 2016, 8:00pm
Last week on Arrow, Oliver (Stephen Amell) was having a really hard time with Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) near death-ness and surgeries. He won’t go see her. He’s just obsessed with finding Damian Darhk (Neal McDonough). He gets a lead from Lance (Paul Blackthorne) but finds himself competing with Anarky (Alexander Calvert), who is really fun to watch. He has a crush on Thea (Willa Holland). Understandable, because she set him on fire. Crazy kids. Anarky takes Darhk’s family hostage, but the Scoobies save them. Turns out that Darhk’s wife is crazier than he is. Felicity’s final diagnosis is “will never walk again.”
Spoilers below.
Arrow 4.11 “A.W.O.L.” review: Lyla and Diggle (Audrey Marie Anderson and David Ramsey) are out on a date. A former connection, Alan, reaches out because he’s been compromised. He wants to send a message to Amanda Waller, but he is taken before he gets a chance. Next time anyone sees him, he is eyeless and dead.
Oliver takes Felicity home, carrying her in like a prince. Her legs may not work, but her mouth still does.
Felicity: “You think being cute is going to distract me?”
“My superhero name could be hot wheels.” That’s cute.
Ooooh… the flashback is a Diggle one! He and his brother are on a military mission – one where they get the bad guys. And Andy seems to be on the staright and narrow. Or it might be a show. That does explain their complicated relationship. Well besides Andy being evil now.
Felicity is hearing voices, then talking to herself, then literally talking to a goth version of herself that is young Felicity. Gothicity is trying to convince herself that she shouldnt help the gang. What?
Andy has some words of wisdom: “The best place to hide illicit things… is right next to legitimate ones.” And then they run into Diggle’s past and Shadowspire.
Felicity is blaming herself for almost getting them killed. And Oliver said he pushed her too hard. He is trying to talk to her, but her hallucination is talking too. She shouted at not Oliver to sut up and leave her alone. Si he did.
Shadowspire used distraction to get to A.R.G.U.S. And Lyla gets caught right in the middle.
Shock shock shock! Someone dies. I’m pretty sure that this is not the person in the grave.
Felicity comes through. Overwatch is her nickname because “Oracle was taken.” Nice nod to Barbara Gordon there, Ollie!
Little Diggle come through too. He pretends to be on the bad side but comes through in the end. And big bro was in on it the whole time. Yay! There is a squishy feelings moment at the end.
I really enjoyed the Diggle brothers on the forefront. And there’s a connection between that backstory and Lian Yu! So that was pretty exciting, because I couldn’t connect the dots before.
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8pm ET on The CW.
The CW’s synopsis:
A.W.O.L. (Ep# 411)
DIGGLE VS. SHADOWSPIRE — Diggle (David Ramsey) must learn to trust his brother Andy (guest star Eugene Byrd) when an enemy of their wartime past, an agent of the criminal organization Shadowspire, pays a visit to Star City. However, Diggle learns more than he bargained for about their shared time at war. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) has to learn a whole new way of life. Charlotte Brandstrom directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#411). Original airdate 1/27/2016.
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