Sorry it took me til the weekend to review Tuesday’s Honest Trailer from Screen Junkies, but I was busy watching my new copy of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Blu-ray. And will you look at that, the Honest Trailer is Star Wars: Episode 7, maybe one of the most anticipated Honest Trailers to date. The trailer is rated S for spoilers even though, let’s face it, you’ve seen the movie more than once in the theaters… I saw it 5 times.
Check out the Honest Trailer below.
“From the company the owns everything you know and love AND Diet Spielberg”… haha, amazing intro from narrator Jon Bailey… although am I the only one scared that Disney will soon be officially taking over the planet and forcing people to wear brain controlling mouse ears? Has a movie had higher and more unrealistic expectations in movie history? Probably not; and that’s why J.J. Abrams didn’t mess around and went back to where it started, by essentially remaking Episode IV, complete with: a deserted orphan on desert planet, a cute robot, secret plans given to said cute robot, a Death Star with only one possible way to destroy it, an old hero dying to further the plot, a strange cantina filled with stranger aliens, and a brooding villain cloaked in black… I mean a totally original, awesome movie!
And right away the focus of this HT becomes the battle between new and old, and that includes Screen Junkies Honest Trailer voiceover guys, as original narrator Gannon Nickell joins the fun. They battle over the characters; old favorites, or just plain old “Rey is an awesome force-using badass” vs. “Rey is so good at everything it makes her unbelievable.” This is a great tactic, especially if you follow the Honest Trailer series. When Bailey gets fed up and hands over the reigns to Slocum, it’s actually hard not to see the blatant parallel. But the best part is when the dueling narrators have a Stepbrothers moment listing their favorite and least favorite parts… did we just become best friends? I wonder if they both have moms named Martha.
Starring: Lei A.A.R.P, Better Anakin (Adam Driver), Emperor Voldemort, R2D2 – 2, and The Easiest Money Mark Hamill Ever Made… New Title: Star Wars: A Familiar Hope. During the saying of goodbyes between the two men, the narrator of the very first Honest Trailer, Ptolemy Slocum shows up to ask why he wasn’t in this… makes sense since the very first HT was for the 3D re-release of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.
Screen Junkies currently has over 5.3 million subscribers on YouTube, and release a new Honest Trailer every Tuesday. For those wondering the battle between Batman (1989) and Superman (1978) currently sits at 2.49 million views for Supes vs. 2.42 million for Batman. The one with the most views gets a new HT for one of its later remakes, so go watch!
Honest Trailer – Star Wars: The Force Awakens
SPOILER ALERT: The Force has awakened! Strap in for an all out battle between desert orphans, depressed Sith wannabes, and super adorable droids! PLUS – a very special blast from the past!
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