Black Panther is easily one of the best Marvel Studios films to come out in recent years. And I am not just saying that because it is the most recent film to be released by the studio. The way it addresses social issues, representation, identity, and feminism and still maintains its superhero feel is incredible.
Now that Marvel is turning its attention to Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige is talking about Black Panther‘s success. Check out what he had to say about it, the chances for a sequel and possible spinoffs, and more below.
Normally when a Marvel Studios film is successful, they jump at the chance to announce a sequel. Doctor Strange seems to be the exception to that rule, but who knows why they have been holding back on making such an announcement. However, because Black Panther is such a huge success critically and commercially, it’s no surprise that Marvel is already brainstorming for a sequel. In an interview with EW, Feige could not reveal too much about the possible sequel. However, he wants you to know that they will have one:
“Nothing specific to reveal, other than to say we absolutely will do that. One of the favorite pastimes at Marvel Studios is sitting around on a Part One and talking and dreaming about what we would do in a Part Two. There have been plenty of those conversations as we were putting together the first Black Panther. We have ideas and a pretty solid direction on where we want to head with the second one.”
While the film is called Black Panther, it was the film’s female cast that won the film with their scene-stealing performances. Everyone who was a part of the Dora Milaje was fearless and displayed the kind of strength that makes them deserve their own film.
When Thor: Ragnarok hit theaters, Tessa Thompson expressed a huge interest in bringing the female heroes together to play the Lady Liberators. So the potential for spinoffs is there, it’s just up to Feige to make it happen. And it looks like he wants it just as much as any fan would, including a particular interest in seeing Okoye (Danai Gurira) films:
“I think there’s lots of potential. It’s a balance between leaving people wanting more and then giving them too much, but I would watch a movie about any of those characters you just named. I think Shuri’s astounding, and you’ll see much more of her in our universe. Okoye, I think I’d watch three action films just Okoye. I’m not saying we’re doing that, but I’m saying that we’re intrigued by them. Frankly, as I’ve said before, finishing these first 22 movies is really all we’re thinking about at this point.”
Despite Marvel Studios’ 10 year success, a lot of their films were considered a big risk before their respective releases. But don’t expect them to play it safe, said Feige:
“You look at Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man “¦ You look at Black Panther or Captain Marvel, that we have just started filming. One could consider those risks, whenever you’re doing something new and it’s not proven. Doing a third version of Spider-Man. Those are all things that have a certain amount of risk associated with them, but early on we decided we didn’t want to be just the Iron Man studio or just the Avengers studio. We want to be the Marvel Studio.”
Directed by Ryan Coogler, Black Panther is out in theaters now. Watch trailers and read our review right here. Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters on April 27, 2018.
[Source: EW]
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