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Sequel To Original ‘Ghostbusters’ To Be Directed By Jason Reitman
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Another new Ghostbusters movie is on the way.

But unlike the 2016 reboot starring Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, and Kristen Wiig, which told its own story and was not connected to the 1984 original and its 1989 sequel, this latest entry in the franchise will be a sequel set in the same universe as the originals which continues that story. So, basically the Ghostbusters 3 fans have wanted for so many years.

It’s also going to be directed by someone with a strong connection to the series, Jason Reitman, whose father Ivan Reitman directed the first two films.

Jason was just a kid when the original Ghostbusters was being made. And because his father directed the first two movies, he also had roles in them. His scene in the original, playing a resident of the haunted skyscraper along with his mother and sister, ultimately didn’t make the final cut. But he is in Ghostbusters II, playing a birthday boy.

This is a major change of pace for Jason, who’s known for directing movies like Thank You for Smoking, Juno, and Up in the Air—the latter two scoring him a total of four Academy Award nominations. In addition to directing this new Ghostbusters, he also co-wrote the screenplay along with Gil Kenan, who previously directed Monster House, City of Ember, and the 2015 Poltergeist remake.

The news that he was directing a brand new movie in the franchise was reported by Entertainment Weekly, who also shared some quotes. Here’s what Jason had to say about the announcement:

“I’ve always thought of myself as the first Ghostbusters fan, when I was a 6-year-old visiting the set. I wanted to make a movie for all the other fans. This is the next chapter in the original franchise. It is not a reboot. What happened in the “˜80s happened in the “˜80s, and this is set in the present day.”

He also mentioned the 2016 remake, which was directed by Paul Feig:

“I have so much respect for what Paul created with those brilliant actresses, and would love to see more stories from them. However, this new movie will follow the trajectory of the original film.”

Jason also talked about what the original Ghostbusters means to him:

“I love everything about it. The iconography. The music. The tone. I remember being on set and seeing them try out the card catalog gag for the first time when the library ghost makes them come flying out. I remember the day they killed Stay Puft and I brought home a hardened piece of foam that just sat on a shelf for years. I was scared there was a terror dog underneath my bed before people knew what a terror dog was.”

His father Ivan, who was a producer on the 2016 remake and will have the same role for the new movie, said this will be a “passing of the torch” and that he was touched that Jason wanted to work on this part of the “family business,” so to speak:

“It was a decision he had to come to himself. He worked really hard to be independent and developed a wonderful career on his own. So I was quite surprised when he came to me with Gil and said, “˜I know I’ve been saying for 10 years I’m the last person who should make a Ghostbusters movie, but”¦I have this idea.’ Literally, I was crying by the end of it, it was so emotional and funny.”

Ivan said back in 2016 that many more Ghostbusters movies were being developed, despite the remake not performing quite as well as hoped at the box office. One of those projects we already knew about is an animated Ghostbusters movie. EW says that movie is still being developed by Sony but it will have a different team working on it, and it won’t be released until sometime after this one is released.

One thing we don’t know yet, is what Jason Reitman’s take on Ghostbusters will be about. All he’s giving us right now is this:

“This is very early, and I want the film to unwrap like a present. We have a lot of wonderful surprises and new characters for the audience to meet.”

Ghostbusters fans will obviously hope that original stars like Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, Annie Potts, and maybe even Rick Moranis (pretty please?) will reprise their roles, whether as a significant part of the story or just in small cameos. But nothing has been confirmed yet.

All of them but Moranis had cameos in the 2016 remake. Even Daniel Ramis, son of the late original star Harold Ramis, had a small role. So it’s safe to assume that at least some of them will be involved, especially considering that it’s set in the same universe as the original. It would be pretty shocking if none of them ended up being part of the project.

Fans won’t have to wait long for more info, though. The new Ghostbusters sequel is being planned for a summer 2020 release, with filming expected to begin in just a few months. So we can expect to see some casting announcements in the very near future.

[Source: EW]

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