4K Ultra HD | Blu-ray | Digital | DVD
Director: Jordan Peele
Writer: Jordan Peele
Cast: Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Shahadi Wright Joseph, Evan Alex, Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Rated R | Minutes: 116
Release Date: June 11, 2019
Jordan Peele redefines the genre in bold new ways by weaving in truth and honesty with horror. But horror has acted as a reflection on the society we live in now by terrifying us with the sort of imagery that very few would like to admit is true. With Us we get to see the monsters within us, or at least, the monsters that are capable of living within us.
And now, with the release of the Blu-ray, we get to see how Peele crafted this movie with precision and great detail. Check out our review, plus a look at some of the bonus features that take a deeper look at the production of the film, below.
As I said in my review of the film, Peele’s sophomore effort “examines the human condition and uses scares as a vehicle to take a look at the monsters that lurk beneath our skin and what would happen if it were ever to crawl out of it.” While Get Out was specific, Us is more encompassing, telling that this particular story has a global effect. Therein lies the truth of this film, that we all have some sort of monster that lurks beneath our skin. So don’t be surprised when you find yourself talking about it with your friends after watching it.
Of course, such a Blu-ray or 4K is deserving of great bonus features. However, you won’t find a true commentary feature of the film here. They are more like vignettes, where Peele breaks down key scenes of the film. Additionally, the director addresses some of the major themes, such as duality and metaphors – I mean one could argue that Us also means U.S. Also, the Blu-ray takes a look at making the film twice, one with the actors as the characters above ground, and a second time with the actors as their doppelgängers.
There’s also the traditional gags and deleted scenes that are included with the bonus features. These don’t really add much to the film, other than showing off what it was like to cut loose or see why said scene had to be cut out of the final edit. Of course, the real meat of all of this is with the aforementioned bonus features that will be available on the 4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital releases:
Scene Explorations – The making of three iconic scenes from the film including the Tyler house massacre, Jason’s abduction and Adelaide’s underground flashback.
- Seven Second Massacre
- It’s a Trap
- I Just Want My Little Girl Back
The Duality of US – Jordan Peele goes in-depth on some of the key themes and imagery in US – including Doppelgängers, Hands Across America, The Nutcracker dance scene, rabbits and the infamous 11:11 coincidence.
The Monsters Within US – Examine how the great cast were able to find their characters, whether they were playing one of the Wilsons or their sinister doppelgängers.
Tethered Together: Making US Twice – Making of a movie is hard. Making a movie where all the main cast play dual roles can be downright mind-bending. In this piece, filmmakers, cast, and crew discuss some of the technical challenges to making the film, as well as some of the design choices for the characters.
Redefining a Genre: Jordan Peele’s Brand of Horror – In the space of two films, Jordan Peele has set himself apart as an invaluable artistic voice. Hear cast and filmmakers highlight what makes him so unique, as well as Jordan’s own thoughts on his inspirations and the relationship between horror and comedy.
Becoming Red – Using behind-the-scenes footage from between takes, we take a closer look at Lupita Nyong’o’s intense and mesmerizing performance as “Red.”
Deleted Scenes
- I Am Not Even Near You
- Rabbit Season
- That’s Badass
- Driftwood
- The P is Silent
- I Wanna Go Home
We’re All Dying – Hilarious outtakes from the conversation between Winston Duke and Tim Heidecker on the beach.
As Above, So Below: Grand Pas de Deux – An extended version of the dance sequence from the film, cutting between adolescent Adelaide at her recital to Red in the Underpass.
Click right here for more on Us, including full trailers.
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