| Comic Review: Creepy Archives, Volume 18 Creepy Archives, Volume 18
Hardcover | Kindle Edition
Written by Various
Illustrated by Various
Dark Horse Comics
Release date: February 18, 2014
Cover Price: $49.99
Creepy Archives, Volume 18, covers issues 84-88 of the original magazine series, wherein each issues had a theme. For instance, #84 was an “all sports issue,” which while an odd fit on the surface, worked surprisingly well. “All monster” stories was the focus of #85. The next two were Christmas and Mars-themed, with issue #88 being a free-for-all smorgasbord of stories. Overall, these Creepy Archive collections are blasts from the past, when seemingly all comics seemed more a bit more wondrous, even innocent “” including the horror ones. This volume features art from some of the big, and not so big names of yesteryear, with quality craftsmanship being a key element that they have in common.
...continue reading » Tags: Al Williamson, Bernie Wrightson, Bruce Jones, Carmine Infantino, Creepy, Creepy Archives, Dark Horse Comics, David Micheline, Dick Giordiano, John Severin, Richard Corben, Roger McKenzie, Steve Englehart, Walt Simonson | |
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| Exclusive: First Look At 8 Upcoming Covers From Dark Horse Comics![space]() |
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![Dark Horse premiere banner Dark Horse premiere banner]()
We’re back again with an exclusive first look at a bunch of covers courtesy of our friends at Dark Horse comics. First we have the regular cover for Amalia’s Blade #1 by Michael Dialynas as well as a variant cover by Guy Davis. Then we’ve got two series that wrap up in April with their fourth issues — The Answer! #4 by Mike Norton and The Black Beetle: No Way Out #4 by Francesco Francavilla. Then we’ve got covers for four collections hitting stores in June. Check out The Victories, Volume 1 by Michael Avon Oeming, collecting the five issue superhero/sci-fi adventure miniseries. Next we have the first volume of The Original Daredevil Archives collecting the first four issues of the golden age classic. Then there’s Forbidden World Archives, Volume 2, collecting the weird and wonderful anthology of science fiction and supernatural fantasy. Finally, there’s the next in the long line of Dark Horse’s Creepy Archives, Volume 16 featuring work by Alex Toth, Wally Wood, Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson, and Richard Corben. All this and more can be had, and all you have to do is pre-order them with your friendly neighborhood comic book dispenser. Now, check these covers out right here after the jump.
...continue reading » Tags: Al Camy, Al Williamson, Alex Toth, Amala's Blade, Art Gates, Bernard Klein, Bernie Wrightson, Bob Davis, Bob Wood, Charles Biro, Creepy Archives, Daredevil, Dark Horse Comics, Dennis Hopeless, Dick Wood, Edd Ashe, Forbidden Worlds, Francesco Francavilla, George Roussos, George Wilhelms, Guy Davis, Harry Lazarus, J. Gahr, Jack Cole, Jerry Robinson, Ken Kelly, King Ward, Lin Streeter, Lou Cameron, Mark Englert, Michael Avon Oeming, Michael Dialynas, Mike Norton, Neal Adams, Nick Filardi, Paul Gattuso, Pete Riss, Reed Crandall, Richard "Dick" Briefer, Richard Briefer, Richard Corben, Richard E. Hughes, Roy Krenkel, Sam Cooper, Sanjulian, Steve Horton, The Answer!, The Black Beetle, The Victories, Victor E. Pazmiño, Wally Wood | |
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| Exclusive: 7-Page Preview Of ‘Forbidden Worlds Archives Vol. 1’ From Dark Horse Comics![Forbidden Worlds preview banner Forbidden Worlds preview banner]()
Forbidden Worlds, the bizarre fantasy anthology comic series that ran for 145 issues from July/August 1951 to August 1967, and corralled some of Comicdom’s most celebrated visualists of the strange and unusual, is returning in a mighty big way. Next month Dark Horse Comics will release Forbidden Worlds Archives Vol. 1, a hardcover collection of the first four pre-Comics Code issues of the series. You can check out a 7-page story from the inaugural volume, “The Doom of the Moonlings” with artwork by George Wilhelms, here below.
...continue reading » Tags: Al Williamson, American Comics Group, Dan Nadel, Dark Horse Comics, EC Comics, Forbidden Worlds, Frank Frazetta, George Wilhelms, Ogden Whitney, Pre-Code, Wally Wood, William M. Gaines, Young Heroes | |
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| Comic Review: Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago, Volume 5![cGt2099]() |
By cGt2099
| May 11th, 2012 at 7:00 pm |
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Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago, Volume 5
Story by Jo Duffy, Archie Goodwin, Ann Nocenti, Randy Stradley
Pencils by Bart Blevins, Sal Buscema, Jaan Duursema, Ron Frenz, Bob McLeod, Cynthia Martin, Tom Palmer, Tony Salmons, Al Williamson
Inks by Sam de la Rosa, Steve Leialoha, Art Nichols, Tom Palmer, Whilce Portacio, Ken Steacy, Bob Wiacek, Al Williamson
Colors by J. Ferriter, Daina Graziunus, Michael Higgins, Elaine Lee, Glynis Oliver, Petra Scotese, Bob Sharen, M. Wrightson
Cover Art by Cynthia Martin, Art Nichols, Petra Scotese
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: February 26, 2012
Cover Price: $24.99
Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith! The Nagai! Zeltrons! Does that make me seem too overexcited for this review? Well then, go to buggery if it does, because my, oh, my, Star Wars Omnibus: A Long Time Ago, Volume 5 is an extraordinary trip down memory lane for those of us Star Wars fans old enough to remember the closing era of the Marvel Star Wars. The fifth part of the A Long Time Ago Omnibus reprints the final series of issues originally released by Marvel Comics – from Issue #86 August 1984 to Issue #107 September 1986. The collection represents the closing period of Marvel’s Star Wars publication, in a post Return Of The Jedi era as the Expanded Universe (as it was during that time) would begin to wane. It would not be until 5 years later when Timothy Zahn would release Heir To The Empire, his first episode of The Thrawn Trilogy, that enthusiasm would return to the Expanded Universe with a new level of enthusiasm from fans old and new.
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| Exclusive Preview: Dark Horse Collecting Star Wars ‘Droids’ & ‘Ewoks’ In New Omnibus![cGt2099]() |
By cGt2099
| May 11th, 2012 at 1:07 pm |
![Exclusive Preview: Dark Horse Star Wars Omnibus Exclusive Preview: Dark Horse Star Wars Omnibus]()
Dark Horse Comics will be releasing a new Star Wars Omnibus in June that gathers all of the comic issues of Droids and Ewoks from the 1980s, and Geeks Of Doom has an exclusive preview of what fans can expect with the release. You can view the preview pages in the gallery below. In the wake of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, Lucasfilm began focusing on other projects. The Star Wars franchise turned its focus in licensing new series specifically aimed at children. The results were the Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks animated television shows.
...continue reading » Tags: Al Williamson, Dark Horse Comics, David Manak, Droids, Ewoks, George Caragonne, John Romita, Marvel Comics, Star Comics, Star Wars, Star Wars Omnibus, Star Wars Omnibus: Droids and Ewoks, Star Wars: Droids, Star Wars: Ewoks | |
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