| Blu-ray Review: Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings |

Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings
Director: Jeff Burr
Screenwriter: Constantine and Ivan Chachornia
Cast: Andrew Robinson, Ami Dolenz, Soleil Moon Frye, Mark McCracken, Steve Kanaly, Roger Clinton, Jr., Linnea Quigley
Scream Factory
Rated R | 88 Minutes
Release Date: November 18, 2014 Directed by Jeff Burr (Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III), Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings is the 1993 direct-to-video sequel to Stan Winston’s 1988 film about a vengeful demon that dismembers thrill-seeking teenagers. 1958. The Ferren Woods. An old blind witch, Ms. Osie (Lilyan Chauvin), tends to a deformed orphan named Tommy (Jean-Paul Manoux) – the offspring of Pumpkinhead. A gang of hot-roddin’ kids spot the boy and, convinced he’s some sort of demonic monster, chase him through the woods with switchblades and baseball bats.Eventually, the kids corner him at an old abandoned mine, where they stab him and throw him down into the mine, killing him.
...continue reading » Tags: Ami Dolenz, Andrew Robinson, Constantine Chachornia, Greg Nicotero, Ivan Chachornia, Jeff Burr, Linnea Quigley, Mark McCracken, Pumpkinhead, Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings, Roger Clinton Jr., Scream Factory, Soleil Moon Frye, Steve Kanaly | |
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| Comic Review: Sherwood, Texas #1
Sherwood, Texas #1
Written by Shane Berryhill
Illustrated by Daniel Hillyard
Colored by Charlie Kirchoff
Lettered by Ed Dukeshire
Cover by Andrew Robinson
12 Gauge Comics
Release Date: July 16, 2014
Cover Price: $1.00 Sherwood, Texas #1 is a reimagining of the classic Robin Hood tale, set in present-day Texas. Written by Shane Berryhill and illustrated by Daniel Hillyard, the first issue infuses themes and characters from the original story with intense additions such as sex trafficking and biker gangs.
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| Valiant Entertainment Comic Solicitations For April 2014 |
By Dave3
| @
| January 23rd, 2014 at 3:00 pm |

Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of the Valiant Entertainment comic titles hitting stores in April of 2014, including issues for Matt Kindt’s Unity, Greg Pak’s Eternal Warrior, and more.
...continue reading » Tags: Alvaro Martinez, Andrew Robinson, Barry Kitson, Bernard Chang, Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps, Bob Layton, Cafu, Cary Nord, Christos Gage, Clayton Crain, Clayton Henry, David Lapham, David Mack, David Michelinie, Diego Bernard, Emanuela Lupacchino, Eternal Warrior, Fred Van Lente, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Greg Pak, H.A.R.D. Corps, Harbinger, James Asmus, Jeff Dekal, Jim Lee, Jim Shooter, Jorge Molina, Joshua Dysart, Kano, Lewis Larosa, Matt Kindt, Michael Walsh, Mike Leeke, Pere Perez, Peter Milligan, Quantum and Woody, Raul Allen, Robert Gill, Robert Venditti, Shadowman, Tom Fowler, Tom Raney, Trevor Hairsine, Unity, Valentine De Landro, Valiant Entertainment, Vincente Cifuentes, X-O Manowar, Zach Montoya | |
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| Comic Review: Quantum and Woody #5 |
Quantum and Woody #5
Written by James Asmus
Illustrated by Ming Doyle
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Lettered by Dave Lanphear
Covers by Andrew Robinson, Lee Garbett, David Lopez, and Mike McKone
Valiant Entertainment
Release Date: November 6, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
James Asmus continues writing duties for Quantum and Woody #5 along with illustrator Ming Doyle and colorist Jordie Bellaire. Fresh off their first adventure, the two misfit brothers who’ve accidentally gained super powers are taking on life together — and this time they’ve brought a pet goat along for the ride! Upon realizing that the bracelets Eric (secretly the superhero named Quantum) and Woody both wear force them to rejuvenate their powers every 24 hours or else they’ll perish, the brothers put aside their differences and move in together. Unfortunately for Eric, Woody — acting like an immature child as always — invites a beautiful clone of the evil scientist who killed their father to live with them. The two men soon begin to grasp the notion that having powers is quite the adjustment. Meanwhile, there are blatantly evil happenings going on all over the city and someone very close to Eric wishes to take advantage of his new found abilities.
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| Comic Review: King Conan: The Phoenix & The Sword #3 |
By PS Hayes
| @
| March 27th, 2012 at 6:00 pm |
King Conan: The Phoenix & The Sword #3
Script by Timothy Truman
Art by Tomas Giorello
Colors by Jose Villarrubia
Letters by Richard Starkings and Comicraft
Cover by Andrew Robinson
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: March 28, 2012
Cover Price: $3.50
After years of reading Conan comics, I suddenly realized that you either love Conan or you don’t love Conan. Right now Dark Horse is publishing Conan the Barbarian by Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan. That book is for people who don’t love Conan. But, King Conan: The Phoenix & The Sword is for people like me, who love Conan. King Conan: The Phoenix & The Sword #3, simply put, is a really FUN issue. First off, I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but writer Timothy Truman includes a lot of nods to the early ’90s Conan the Adventurer cartoon series, from names of places to a little nod to a certain cartoon sidekick Phoenix. The beautiful part is that it fits totally into the story, which, on its own merits, is very cool.
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