| Comic Spotlight: Sheena: Queen Of The Jungle #0 |

Sheena: Queen Of The Jungle #0
Written by Marguerite Bennett and Christina Trujillo
Art by Moritat
Colors by Andre Szymanowicz
Letters by Thomas Napolitano
Cover by Emanuela Lupacchino and Fabio Mantovani, J. Scott Campbell and Sabine Rich, Moritat and Andre Szymanowicz, Ryan Sook
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: August 9, 2017
Cover Price: $0.25 Talk about a convoluted history! This character has seen more revisions than the MLA Handbook! In Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #0, we see a modern take on a vintage character. Older than Wonder Woman but just as overtly sexualized for decades, Sheena has been both a powerful role model and a scantily clad vixen. Time after time, people have tried to create the perfect version of this character only to fall short of their goals. Not only have a multitude of comic companies tried to invigorate this character over the years, but a feature film and two different television series. Other adaptations, sans the name, have occurred but that is clearly more influence than attempt. This particular issue is obviously a set up for the upcoming series and it is not quite a full length comic, weighing in at fifteen pages of story. But when something costs you merely a quarter, you should not complain even a little. Portraying the heroine in a strong, thoughtful manner, this sneak peek is little more than an introduction but still has a bit of adventure wedged into its small frame. There is quite a bit more dialogue than expected but she does speak with animals in several past versions. This oratory seems, however, to be mainly for the reader and not really to drive the plot.
...continue reading » Tags: Andre Szymanowicz, Christina Trujillo, Dynamite, Dynamite Entertainment, Emanuela Lupacchino, Fabio Mantovani, J. Scott Campbell, Marguerite Bennett, Moritat, Queen Of The Jungle, Ryan Sook, Sabine Rich, Sheena, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle, Thomas Napolitano | |
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| Comic Review: Swords Of Sorrow #1
Swords of Sorrow #1
Written by Gail Simone
Illustrated by Sergio Davila
Colored by Jorge Sutil
Letters by Erica Schultz
Edited by Hannah Elder
Covers by J. Scotty Campbell & Nei Ruffino, Jenny Frison, Emanuela Lupacchino & Ivan Nunes, Robert Hack, Joyce Chin & Ivan Nunes, Tula Lotay, Nei Ruffino, and Cedric Poulat
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: May 6, 2015
Cover Price: $3.99 Swords of Sorrow #1 is many things: a really fun story, even though it’s not supposed to be; a great comic to look at. But, beyond that, this book is special because it stars an all-female cast of heroes. As a man, I almost didn’t want to review this, but then I thought “It doesn’t matter if the book stars women, the only thing that matters is if it’s good or not.” So, is it? Let’s find out…
...continue reading » Tags: Cedric Poulate, Deja Thoris, Dynamite Entertainment, Emanuela Lupacchino, Erica Schultz, Gail Simone, Green Hornet, Hannah Elder, Ivan Nunes, J. Scott Campbell, Jennifer Blood, Jenny Frison, Jorge Sutil, Joyce Chin, Jungle Girl, Kato, Nei Ruffino, Red Sonja, Robert Hack, Sergio Davila, Swords of Sorrow, Tula Lotay | |
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| Comic Review: Chaos #1
Chaos #1
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Mirka Andolfo
Colors by Walter Baiamonte
Letters by Marshall Dillon
Covers by Tim Seeley, J. Scott Campbell, Emanuela Lupacchino, Carlos Rafael, Charlie Adlard and Michael Turner
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: May 7 2014
Cover Price: $3.99 Because YOU demanded it, Choas #1 is finally here!! Now, I have to warn you, usually the horror genre is NOT my bag. I’m more of a super-hero, licensed-comics guy. But, I though I’d try something different for a change. Was I glad that I did or was it a huge mistake? Let’s take a look…
...continue reading » Tags: Carlos Rafael, Charlie Adlard, Choas, Dynamite Entertainment, Emanuela Lupacchino, Evil Ernie, J. Scott Campbell, Marshall Dillon, Michael Turner, Mirk Andolfo, Purgatori, Tim Seeley, Walter Baiamonte | |
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| Comic Review: Magnus Robot Fighter #2 |
By PS Hayes
| @
| April 29th, 2014 at 1:00 pm |

Magnus Robot Fighter #2
Written by Fred Van Lente
Art by Corey Smith
Colors by Mauricio Wallace
Letters by Marshall Dillion
Covers by Gabriel Hardman, Jonathon Case, Emanuela Lupacchino, Stephen Sevogia, and Ken Haeser
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: April 9, 2014
Cover Price: $3.99 In my opinion, Magnus Robot Fighter #2 wasn’t as awesome as the first issue, making it just plain awesome instead of SUPER awesome. Writer Fred Van Lente uses this issue mostly for world building purposes. Previously, we met Will Magnus, got to know him a little bit, and then he was whisked away to a whole different world where his job was to fight robots. In this issue, we find out more about that world, how it works, what the rules are, and why Magnus is deemed a pretty big threat by this society. In keeping with the spirit of the first issue, Van Lente includes TONS of action and some great bits of story, all the while slipping in bits and pieces of how this world functions, what the class sects are, and some general basic knowledge of what this world is about. All of these things, woven into a really smooth flowing story.
...continue reading » Tags: Corey Smih, Dynamite Entertainment, Emanuela Lupacchino, Fred Van Lente, Gabriel Hardman, Gold Key, Jonathon Case, Ken Haeser, Magnus Robot Fighter, Marshall Dillion, Mauricio Wallace, Stephen Sevogia | |
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| Valiant Entertainment Comic Solicitations For April 2014 |
By Dave3
| @
| January 23rd, 2014 at 3:00 pm |

Below you’ll find the solicitations information and cover artwork for all of the Valiant Entertainment comic titles hitting stores in April of 2014, including issues for Matt Kindt’s Unity, Greg Pak’s Eternal Warrior, and more.
...continue reading » Tags: Alvaro Martinez, Andrew Robinson, Barry Kitson, Bernard Chang, Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps, Bob Layton, Cafu, Cary Nord, Christos Gage, Clayton Crain, Clayton Henry, David Lapham, David Mack, David Michelinie, Diego Bernard, Emanuela Lupacchino, Eternal Warrior, Fred Van Lente, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Greg Pak, H.A.R.D. Corps, Harbinger, James Asmus, Jeff Dekal, Jim Lee, Jim Shooter, Jorge Molina, Joshua Dysart, Kano, Lewis Larosa, Matt Kindt, Michael Walsh, Mike Leeke, Pere Perez, Peter Milligan, Quantum and Woody, Raul Allen, Robert Gill, Robert Venditti, Shadowman, Tom Fowler, Tom Raney, Trevor Hairsine, Unity, Valentine De Landro, Valiant Entertainment, Vincente Cifuentes, X-O Manowar, Zach Montoya | |
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