Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings
Director: Jeff Burr
Screenwriter: Constantine and Ivan Chachornia
Cast: Andrew Robinson, Ami Dolenz, Soleil Moon Frye, Mark McCracken, Steve Kanaly, Roger Clinton, Jr., Linnea Quigley
Scream Factory
Rated R | 88 Minutes
Release Date: November 18, 2014
Directed by Jeff Burr (Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III), Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings is the 1993 direct-to-video sequel to Stan Winston’s 1988 film about a vengeful demon that dismembers thrill-seeking teenagers.
1958. The Ferren Woods. An old blind witch, Ms. Osie (Lilyan Chauvin), tends to a deformed orphan named Tommy (Jean-Paul Manoux) – the offspring of Pumpkinhead. A gang of hot-roddin’ kids spot the boy and, convinced he’s some sort of demonic monster, chase him through the woods with switchblades and baseball bats.Eventually, the kids corner him at an old abandoned mine, where they stab him and throw him down into the mine, killing him.
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