| Universal Announces Release Dates For Next 2 ‘Halloween’ Films Starring Jamie Lee Curtis![Halloween Movie Header Halloween Movie Header Image]()
Studios don’t need to be in Hall H at the San Diego Comic-Con to make big news. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple announcement. Take Universal Pictures, for example. They announced today the titles and release dates for the two follow-ups to last year’s Halloween, the semi-reboot/sequel to the 1978 iconic slasher film of the same name. Horror master John Carpenter posted to Twitter, “The saga of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode isn’t over” along with the announcement video, which you can watch here below.
...continue reading » Tags: Bill Block, Couper Samuelson, Danny McBride, David Gordon Green, Halloween, Halloween Ends, Halloween Kills, Halloween Movie, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jason Blum, Jeanette Volturno, John Carpenter, Malek Akkad, Ryan Freimann, Universal Pictures | |
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| ‘Halloween’ Trailer: There’s A Reason You’re Supposed To Be Afraid Of This Night![Halloween Halloween]()
Universal Pictures has released the latest trailer for David Gordon Green‘s Halloween, a new entry in the classic horror franchise. The film sees Jamie Lee Curtis returning to reprise her role as Laurie Strode, who must confront Michael Myers one final time. Check out the new trailer and a poster below
...continue reading » Tags: Andi Matichak, Bill Block, Blumhouse Productions, Christopher Allen Nelson, Danny McBride, David Gordon Green, Halloween, Halloween Movie, Haluk Bilginer, James Jude Courtney., Jamie Lee Curtis, Jefferson Hall, John Carpenter, Judy Greer, Malek Akkad, Miles Robbins, Nick Castle, Omar J. Dorsey, Ryan Freimman, Toby Huss, Virginia Gardner, Will Patton | |
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| Watch Now: First Trailer For New ‘Halloween’ Movie![Halloween Movie Header Halloween Movie Header Image]()
We were promised that the first trailer for the latest installment of the Halloween franchise would be arriving today, and arrive it has. You might have thought that this first trailer would be just a teaser, and fans of the series would have been excited to see that. But Universal decided to skip that step and jump right to the full official trailer release. Not a bad deal at all. Click on over to the other side to check out the Halloween trailer.
...continue reading » Tags: Andi Matichak, Bill Block, Blumhouse Productions, Christopher Allen Nelson, Danny McBride, David Gordon Green, Halloween, Halloween Movie, Haluk Bilginer, James Jude Courtney., Jamie Lee Curtis, Jefferson Hall, John Carpenter, Judy Greer, Malek Akkad, Miles Robbins, Nick Castle, Omar J. Dorsey, Ryan Freimman, Toby Huss, Virginia Gardner, Will Patton | |
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