Twenty years ago Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 1 episode 1 aired on the The WB to modest ratings. The story of the chosen one, a teenage girl destined to protect the world from vampires (and more), resonated with audiences long past when the show ended. I have watched all of the episodes over and over, and although I cannot recreate that magic of when I watched the episodes for the first time, sharing the series with someone new is the next best thing. One of the reasons Buffy was so successful was the witty banter the characters let loose in the face of this dangerous life. My list is not complete. I can probably write a list of 200 quotes, and still not be done, but I have chosen ones that really resonate with me. Some are not exactly quotes and are more dialogue moments, but I think you will enjoy them anyway.
“In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.”
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