| ‘Destiny’s “The Taken King” Set To Be A Real Game Changer…Literally |

Bungie Studios knew they were in for the long haul when they came out with Destiny. Now they’re getting ready for the third expansion with “The Taken King” launching exactly one year from the date of the game’s initial release, and it will be quite literally a game changer. From gameplay, weapons, and even the high-profile voices of characters, Destiny as it was even after the latest expansion in May, will be fundamentally different. Bungie has shown time and time again with this game that they are actively listening to the players and the community. With each update and expansion, they show how willing they are to add or change something based solely on players wants and needs. So in that regard, what Bungie is doing is kind of unique to the gaming industry in this day and age. For instance, one of the biggest notable changes will be the “deletion” of one of its highest profiled voice actors, Peter Dinklage.
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| Geek Discussion: Is ‘Destiny’ Still A Thing After Six Months? |

In the summer of 2014, we got a beta event for Bungie’s Destiny and the excitement for the game was palpable. By September when the game came out, lines of people were clamoring to get their hands on this sci-fi MMO-FPS juggernaut and history was indeed made. Then the reviews started coming as people played through the game and the results were mixed at best. The story was found to be very thin; there were exploits like the “Loot Caves” which made the game ridiculously easy; no one seemed interested in going to Bungie’s site to explore these “Grimoire” cards for lore; and the list goes on and on. Bungie however has responded as best they can to the community and fans responses. For the past six months, patch after patch has been released trying to dial into just what’s going on and give the developers a chance to “fix” issues. Again, the critics cried foul that the players weren’t given a full-fledged game experience from the start. By the time December rolled around and it was time for the first DLC to go live, fans had already abandoned ship and “The Dark Below,” despite updating and patching some big issues fans were upset about, didn’t seem to do much to improve Destiny‘s mediocre ratings.
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| ‘Destiny’ DLC “The Dark Below” Officially Announced
Bungie announced today that the first DLC expansion for their space magnum opus Destiny, titled “The Dark Below,” will roll out on December 9th of this year. While it’s been well known that the DLC was coming, there are some things about the announcement that are surprising and no doubt will cause even more controversy for a game that has struggled since release with controversy. Continue reading for more information on the DLC.
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| Activision Says ‘Destiny’ Has Already Reached $500 Million In Sales
Back in May we found out that publisher Activision was sinking a whopping $500 million into Destiny, the ambitious new game from the makers of the Halo franchise, Bungie. While an insane amount of coin, the number was an estimate of everything that would go into the longterm 10-year plan they are aiming for, which means multiple games and DLC and marketing and all that jazz. Still, there was a big question mark as to whether or not the risk would pay off or if the game would prove to be a big flop. After it was officially released Tuesday, Activision is saying not only was it a successful launch, but that they’ve already sold that $500 million in sales to retailers.
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| E3 2014: New ‘Destiny’ Gameplay Previews and Trailer
Halo creator Bungie was of course in attendance at E3 2014 to share more of their ambitious ten-year, $500 million blockbuster hopeful Destiny. If you’re excited about the game, or even if you’re still undecided on it, there’s a wealth of new footage to check out. Below you’ll find a gameplay experience preview, a new trailer, and an added bonus, a 30-minute look at the game being played to give you strong idea of what to expect if or when you play it yourself.
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