The Chronicles of Narnia movies, which are based on the books of author C.S. Lewis, never quite seemed to pop as a franchise like The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, for example. The movies did well enough at the box office—the first and best movie, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, doing a massive $745 million worldwide, and its sequels, Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader scoring $419 million and $415 million, around double their budgets—but the latter two were not well-met critically and didn’t make much of an impact.
After Fox took over the franchise from Disney for the third movie and things didn’t go any better than the second, it felt like that might have been the last of the Chronicles of Narnia we would see. Not so fast. It’s being reported that a fourth movie in the franchise is indeed on the way, based on the book The Silver Chair.
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