| ‘Between Two Ferns’ Trailer: Zach Galifianakis’s Low Budget Funny Or Die Bit Won’t Be In Theaters![Between Two Ferns Between Two Ferns]()
Zach Galifianakis‘s Between Two Ferns is his hilarious take on celebrity talk shows that take place on public access television. He’s had stars like Brad Pitt, President Barack Obama, Natalie Portman, Bradley Cooper, Will Ferrell, and Hillary Clinton on his show. Now it’s time for one of Funny or Die’s funniest bits to go from short video format to a Netflix film. And rather than make that bit with a cinematic feel, there will be an actual narrative woven into it. The stakes are high after one of the celebrities Galifianakis is interviewing is accidentally killed, forcing executives to axe the show. That is, unless, he can produce ten successful episodes before the deadline. Forced to go on the road, the interviewer will do what it takes to save it and restore his reputation. Netflix has released an official trailer for the film, which you can check out below.
...continue reading » Tags: Adam Scott, Awkwafina, Benedict Cumberbatch, Between Two Ferns, Brie Larson, Chance the Rapper, Chrissy Teigen, David Letterman, Hailee Steinfeld, Jason Schwartzman, Jiavani Linayao, John Cho, John Legend, Jon Hamm, Keanu Reeves, Lauren Lapkus, Matthew McConaughey, Netflix, Paul Rudd, Paul Rust, Peter Dinklage, Rashida Jones, Ryan Gaul, Tiffany Haddish, Zach Galifianakis | |
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| Check Out The ‘Stranger Things’ Cast On ‘Lip Sync Battle’![space]() |
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![Lip Sync Battle Stranger Things Lip Sync Battle Stranger Things]()
Lip Sync Battle has become a television staple on Spike TV drawing celebrities into outrageous battles where they mouth the lyrics to hit songs while living out real life music videos. Based off the hilarious sketch on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, LSB has hosted top celebrities from Dwayne The Rock Johnson, to Channing Tatum, to Oscar winner Anne Hathaway doing a legendary turn on the wrecking ball for a Miley Cyrus cover. On May 25th, hosts LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigen welcomed the cast of one of 2016’s biggest breakout hits, Netflix’s Stranger Things. Instead of a one on one showdown where each performer “sings” twice, this time it was a fatal 4-way featuring Finn Wolfhard (Mike Wheeler), Noah Schnapp (Will Byers), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin Henderson) and Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas Sinclair) each performing one lip sync hit. For fans of Stranger Things and Lip Sync Battle, this was as entertaining an episode of TV you can get. Check out some of the performances below.
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| ‘Lip Sync Battle’: Clark Gregg vs. Hayley Atwell![Lip Sync Battle Clark Gregg vs Hayley Atwell Lip Sync Battle Clark Gregg vs Hayley Atwell]()
Clark Gregg and Hayley Atwell brought their legendary rivalry to the Lip Sync Battle stage last night. The pair were last pitted against each other during the infamous Dubsmash Wars for charity back in October, with Atwell’s Agent Carter team the winner, raising $79,818 for “Stomp Out Bullying.” The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. team may have lost the contest, but won at life raising $75,410 for St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The pair outdid themselves. Watch how Agent Coulson and Agent Carter wowed Chrissy Teigen, LL Cool J, and us. Check out the performances below.
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| ‘Lip Sync Battle’: Josh Gad Vs Kaley Cuoco![Lip Sync Battle Josh Gad Kaley Cuoco Lip Sync Battle Josh Gad Kaley Cuoco]()
Last night’s Lip Sync Battle had 2 comedy kids, beautiful Kaley Cuoco from The Big Bang Theory, and Josh Gad (The Book of Mormon, Frozen), who is always hilarious to me. This episode was great. LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigen have the best jobs ever. Check out the performances below.
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