There are a great deal of comic books that are released on a monthly basis, so many in fact that some of the best of the lot can fall through the cracks of hardcore comic book fans’ pull lists because, quite frankly, you can’t buy everything. So, it’s working with that understanding that I am providing you with a somewhat consistent installment of Comics You Should Be Reading. And when I think of a comic that everyone should reading right now, like this week, well there’s only one comic that counts: Batman Incorporated #1 by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham.
Yeah, this is the comic that counts. It’s the return of Grant Morrison to one of his best runs with one of the best current artists in the business at his side, and of course I’m talking about Chris Burnham. I’m pretty much a diehard Grant Morrison fan and while I don’t love everything that I’ve read from him (I’m looking at you, Joe The Barbarian), I at least give his comics more than a fair chance. When he was announced as the lead writer for Action Comics, I was ecstatic. All Star Superman is easily one of my most favorite comics of all time, so Morrison writing Superman is something I get excited about, naturally.
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