There are a great deal of comic books that are released on a monthly basis, so many in fact that some of the best of the lot can fall through the cracks of hardcore comic book fans’ pull lists because quite frankly, you can’t buy everything. So, it’s working under that assumption, as well as weekly beatings from my editor, that I will begin proving you with a somewhat consistent installment of Comics You Should Be Reading. And when I think of a comic that everyone should absolutely be reading, none comes to mind quicker right now than that of The Shade by James Robinson.
The September Relaunch of the entire line of comics from DC Comics caused a huge commotion. Fans were notified that the publishing company would be throwing out all of its continuity, which ended up being more selective continuity than anything else, and while that shocked many of its readership, it provided a whole new landscape of creative possibilities for a wealth of brilliant minds. Fifty-two titles were announced initially, and then came the announcement of a handful of mini-series. Enter The Shade.
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