| D23 Expo 2019: Tom Holland and Kevin Feige Share Their Thoughts On Spider-Man Break-Up![space](https://www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/spacer.gif) |
![Spider-Man Far From Home Spider-Man Far From Home](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/08/spider-man-far-from-home-1-530x354.jpg?resize=530%2C354&ssl=1)
Given the recent success of Spider-Man films after joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there was some hope that Disney and Sony would continue to play nice with each other. However, that all came to a crashing halt when it was confirmed that the deal to share the character was off, and Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige would no longer produce any new Spider-Man titles. This meant that Spidey could no longer play in the MCU sandbox, and that Sony was free to use the Webslinger as they please. This was disappointing news to many, especially those who saw that it was Marvel Studios who was the one to bring Spidey back to greatness after a less than impressive and short-lived reboot. But none are more disappointed than the two people at the center of all of this, Feige and star Tom Holland. While at the D23 Expo, the two were able to share their thoughts on the split. Check out what they had to say below.
...continue reading » Tags: D23, D23 Expo, D23 Expo 2019, Disney, Kevin Feige, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Sony, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Spider-Man, Tom Holland, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| D23 Expo 2019: Pixar’s ‘Soul’ Will Have Music From Jon Batiste, Score By Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross![Pixar's Soul Pixar's Soul]()
My recent trip to Pixar was not only exciting, it was also inspirational. The studio keeps coming up with innovative ways to tell these stories in bold new ways. One of those films will be Soul, from director and new Chief Creative Officer at Pixar Animation Studios Pete Docter. Docter was on hand to present a little bit about the film to a full house on Saturday at the D23 Expo. And based on what he was able to share, this will be one of Pixar’s most cerebral films to date. See more below for our on-site coverage from D23.
...continue reading » Tags: Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, Atticus Ross, D23, D23 Expo, D23 Expo 2019, Daveed Diggs, Jamie Foxx, Jon Batiste, Pete Docter, Phylicia Rashad, Pixar, Pixar Soul, Questlove, Soul, Tina Fey, Trent Reznor | |
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| D23 Expo 2019: Pixar’s ‘Onward’ Takes Tom Holland and Chris Pratt On A Magical, Personal Journey![Disney Pixar Onward Disney Pixar Onward]()
I was initially skeptical about how Disney-Pixar’s Onward could work. The film centered on two brothers who go on a journey to find out if magic still exists. However, when director Dan Scanlon and producer Kori Rae shared another look at the film today at the D23 Expo, it really gave me hope that it was going to be much more than that. See more below for our on-site coverage from D23.
...continue reading » Tags: Chris Pratt, D23, D23 Expo, D23 Expo 2019, Dan Scanlon, Disney, Disney Pixar, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kori Rae, Octavia Spencer, Onward, Pixar, Tom Holland, Walt Disney Studios | |
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