The Drill Down 540: Social Media On Trial

On this week’s The Drill Down podcast, Amazon follows Apple to one trillion, France bans smartphones in school, California fights for Net Neutrality, Social Media comes before Congress … and much, much more.
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Tags: Alex Jones, Amazon, Amazon Echo, California, data, data visualization, Facebook, France, Information Is Beautiful, Infowars, Jack Dorsey, Net Neutrality, Smartphones, Tesla, Tesla Model 3, Tesla motors, Twitter, US Congress
The Drill Down 377: Hail to the Tweet

This week, POTUS tweets, an Apple television is officially dead, hacking a planes controls from a passenger seat, amazing timelapses from still photos … and much much more.
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Tags: @POTUS, Apple, Aviation, data, drones, Encryption, Google, Google Maps, Maker Faire, President Obama, Privacy, Quirky, reddit, robots, security, Sony, Sony Music, Spotify, Steve Jobs, Television, The White House, Time Travel, TrueCar, Twitter, Wink
The Drill Down 266: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

This week, the sky falls over Russia, Apple makes their own Pebble, Bungie announces their 1st non-Halo game in over ten years, Google plans to launch stores (and a new netbook to put in them), Sony‘s Playstation 4, and Tesla drives the New York Times crazy.
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Tags: Apple, Bungie, Chomebook, Chromebook Pixel, CNN, dashcam, data, Destiny, DualShock 4, Elon Musk, Gaikai, Google, Google Glass, Halo, Halo 4, iWatch, Jenova Chen, Kickstarter, Pebble, Playstation, PlayStation 4, PS4, Sony, Tesla, Tesla Model S, thatgamecompany, The New York Times, Volkswagen, Yahoo
The Drill Down: Targeting Your Habits

This week, The Drill Down team and VentureBeat writer Sean Ludwig take a look the science of habit formation and how retailers and other businesses are leveraging that data to finely tune their marketing focus. Later, we look at how Google bypassed privacy settings in Apple‘s Safari and Microsoft‘s Internet Explorer to track users web browsing.
But first, the headlines…Facebook launches verified accounts and pseudonyms, Apple delivers new version of OS X to developers, Foxconn hid underage workers before Fair Labor inspections, Google to sell heads-up glasses by year’s end, and Flickr gets a major makeover.
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Tags: analytics, Apple, cookies, data, Facebook, Flickr, Foxconn, Google, habit formation, internet explorer, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mountain Lion, OSX, Proctor and Gamble, Safari, Target, The Drill Down