![Chewbacca, Star Wars: Force For Change Chewbacca, Star Wars: Force For Change]()
Star Wars films really haven’t been the same since they started opening in December. But this year is different. Fans will be treated to the franchise’s second spinoff, Solo: A Star Wars Story. But before the film opens on Memorial Day weekend, fans will be celebrating May the 4th. You know, May the Force be with you. It’s a Jedi play on words.
So as we get closer to Solo‘s release, Disney and Lucasfilm have announced their latest charity campaign. Starting today, you can give out your best Chewbacca roar on social media. And if you use the #RoarForChange hashtag, Star Wars: Force for Change will donate $1, up to $1 million. More info and the video can be found below.
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