| Honest Trailers Presents James Cameron’s ‘Aliens’![Honest Trailers Aliens Honest Trailers Aliens](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2017/05/honest-trailers-aliens-530x298.jpg?resize=530%2C298&ssl=1)
This Friday, prepare to go back to the world of Alien as Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant hits theaters. But since you have time to kill before that, head over to the Screen Junkies channel on YouTube to catch this week’s Honest Trailer for 1986’s Aliens. That’s right, not Ridley Scott’s original, but James Cameron‘s masterpiece sequel, before he went on to make another masterpiece sequel (Terminator 2), but way before all he cared about were sinking ships and blue-people sex. How do you improve on one of the greatest sci-fi horror films ever made… you guessed it; add an “S”! Check out the Honest Trailer below.
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| Honest Trailers Presents ‘La La Land’![space]() |
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![Honest Trailers La La Land Honest Trailers La La Land]()
This week, the gang at Screen Junkies give La La Land the Honest Trailers treatment, days removed from the hit film’s release on Blu-ray. If you were living under a rock in 2016 and early 2017, La La Land was THE movie; a throwback Hollywood musical, about Hollywood starring two young gorgeous stars, filled with tremendous original songs. It was to movie musicals what Hamilton was to Broadway. The film racked up a ridiculous amount of accolades, including winning 6 of 14 Oscars it was nominated for. Of course, many only remember La La Land for the Oscar it didn’t win; the controversial and embarrassing ending to the Academy Awards when their celebration for Best Picture was interrupted by the realization that they actually LOST to Moonlight. So without further ado, let’s get to the Honest Trailer for one of the most talked about films in Hollywood in a long time… Check out the video below to see the Honest Trailer for La La Land.
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| Honest Trailers Presents ‘Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift’![Honest Trailers Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift Honest Trailers Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift]()
With Fate of the Furious quickly approaching, and all levels of cinematic common sense going out the window, the gang at Screen Junkies turn to the unlikely blockbuster cars and criminals series for their Honest Trailers one more time. This time, we go back to 2006 as Justin Lin was given the keys (haha) to the F&F franchise, and decided to make a movie without all the actors that made it popular, and change the scenery by a few thousand miles. Check out the Honest Trailer below.
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| Honest Trailers Presents Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie![Honest Trailers Power Rangers Honest Trailers Power Rangers]()
With the new reboot of Power Rangers due out Friday, the gang at Screen Junkies decided to give the 1995 movie, based on the popular US series, based on the Japanese show… the Honest Trailer treatment. My sister Emily was a huge Power Rangers fan and we had this movie on VHS, and I swear I had to watch this crap-fest over and over. At least HT narrator Jon Bailey agrees; “This is terrible!” he exclaims during his intro. Check out the Honest Trailer for Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie below.
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