| ‘Star Wars’ Fan Builds Millennium Falcon Drone (Videos)
With the ever-rising popularity in drones, and more specifically the four-propeller quadricopter style, geeks are making sure to take advantage by building working versions of their favorite fictional aircraft. Recently, we saw an impressive functional remote control version of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Helicarrier, and now comes a working fan-made version of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars, the famous ship owned by Han Solo that can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. Click on over to the other side now to see a few videos of the fan-made Falcon in action, including a visit to Hoth (sorta).
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| ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’: Millennium Falcon Graces The Cover Of ‘Fortune’
Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger graces this month’s cover of Fortune magazine, but it’s what was placed behind the mogul in the photo that’s truly noteworthy — the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, what will be Disney’s first Star Wars installment since acquiring Lucasfilm in 2012. Han Solo’s famed ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs can be seen in flight in the film’s recently released teaser trailer, but the magazine is offering the first close-up look at the newly designed Falcon. Check out the cover image here below, along with a second image of Iger standing in front of the Millennium Falcon.
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| ‘Star Wars’ Meets Batman In New Millennium Falcon Video
Over the past couple of months, Star Wars: Episode VII director J.J. Abrams and his Bad Robot Twitter account have been going back and forth with Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder and his Twitter account with crossovers of the Star Wars and DC Comics worlds. Up until now it had just been some fun images (which you can check out right here), but today Star Wars grabbed the upper hand and raised the stakes, releasing a very cool video of the Millennium Falcon with a little added surprise and an epic score to accompany the video. Click on over to the other side to check it out!
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| ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Millennium Falcon, X-Wing Spotted From The Air (Image)
Normally set photos don’t tell us much besides giving us a behind the scenes look at a production of a film. These photos are a dime a dozen, and generally come from pedestrians or production crew who were given the social media green light. But when it comes to set photos for Star Wars: Episode VII, it’s something that should be turning heads. We already know that J.J. Abrams will be using practical effects for the highly anticipated film, meaning there won’t be as much CGI, and iconic ships like the Millennium Falcon and X-Wing fighters will be built from the ground up. But with these sets closely guarded from prying eyes, it will be hard for set photos to be leaked. Unless you are taking these photos from the sky above. A flight school managed to discover where these two ships are being built, and took a photo of them. Hit the jump to check it out.
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| J.J. Abrams Posts Photo In Response To Leaked ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Pics
Yesterday, TMZ released photos of the famed Millennium Falcon starship of Star Wars fame under construction at a secret location in the UK where set pieces, props, and creatures are reportedly being constructed for the highly anticipated Star Wars: Episode VII. Today, Episode VII’s director J.J. Abrams took to Twitter and posted a most intriguing photo with a message that pleads with fans to stop leaking photos from the film and making “ridiculous claims” that the starship will be in the movie. Some people think he’s being serious, but the note in the photo sits atop what looks like the Millennium Falcon’s hologame table. That’s the table where the wookiee Chewbecca and the droid R2-D2 played the chess-like game Dejarik in Star Wars: A New Hope in a round that ends with C-3PO suggesting a new strategy to fellow metal counterpart — let the wookiee win.
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