Dungeons & Dragons: Worlds & Realms: Adventures from Greyhawk to Faerûn and Beyond
Hardcover | Kindle
By Adam Lee
Publisher: Ten Speed Press
Release Date: October 29, 2024
Good day, friends. I want to preface this review with the knowledge that I spent multiple hours writing what should have been my longest review ever, only to inadvertently lose the entire thing in the saving process. I will freely admit my editor warned me to write outside of the primary posting software, a warning that I nonetheless ignored and for which I thereby paid the highest price. So, I will do my best to replicate the review, though I admit the passion I had for this particular assignment has waned. Not because of the book itself. Dungeons & Dragons: Worlds & Realms: Adventures from Greyhawk to Faerûn and Beyond is a spectacular tome of information that dragged me kicking and screaming down memory lane. So, with that said, let me begin yet again.
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