| ‘John Wick: Chapter 2’ Trailer: How Good It Is To See Mr. Wick So Soon![John Wick Chapter 2 header John Wick Chapter 2 header](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2016/10/john-wick-chapter-2-header-530x218.jpg?resize=530%2C218&ssl=1)
Of course, he’s back. Having a one and done film for John Wick (Keanu Reeves) didn’t seem appropriate for the man, the myth, and the legend. So the successful film about the former assassin who came out of retirement after the son of a crime boss killed his beloved dog (which was also a gift from his dying wife) is getting a well-deserved sequel, and it looks like it will live up to expectations. Lionsgate has released the second trailer for John Wick: Chapter 2, and the action can only go up from here. Especially since there is a mark on him. Check out the latest trailer here below.
...continue reading » Tags: Chad Stahelski, Common, Franco Nero, Ian McShane, John Leguizamo, John Wick: Chapter 2, Keanu Reeves, Lance Reddick, Laurence Fishburne, Lionsgate, NYCC, nycc 2016, Riccardo Scamarcio, Ruby Rose, Summit Entertainment | |
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| NYCC 2016: Photo Gallery: Cosplay, Panels, Convention Floor![Seandps]() |
By Seandps
| October 14th, 2016 at 11:45 am |
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![NYC 2016 Cosplay NYC 2016 Cosplay]()
After a few years of going to SDCC and then due to work and tickets being almost impossible to get, took a few years off, this year I was lucky enough to get a 4-day pass to NYCC. So, I packed my bags and headed to New York. I took tons of photos at the Con of the convention floor, panels, and, of course, the cosplay. Check it out here below in the image galleries. For the most part, my whole time at New York Comic-Con focused around Doctor Who and other BBC America shows. I got to see a panel with a decent Q&A with Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman, and Alex Kingston talking about their time on Doctor Who. I was also able to make it to The Theater at Madison Square Garden for the BBC America showcase, including a early screening of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, which I really enjoyed and will be watching once the season starts in a few weeks. I followed that with a Class and Doctor Who panels, giving us little teases of the upcoming series and the Christmas Special for Doctor Who, all about the super heroes.
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| NYCC 2016: Mad Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief John Ficarra![1950s MAD Logo 1950s MAD Logo]()
My New York Comic-Con 2016 whirlwind this past weekend ended with one of my favorite interviews (Shhh… don’t tell Guillermo del Toro and Steven Yeun aka “Glenn” from The Walking Dead!). Mad Magazine‘s Editor-in-Chief John Ficarra was on hand dispensing comedic wisdom in the midst of a bunch of comic book authors, but I only had eyes for him. I have been reading MAD on and off since the early 1980s, and am a huge fan. So now that everyone is aware of my high-class taste in literature… Check out the interview below, as well as the cover for a different kind of “MAD” book.
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| NYCC 2016: Kids HQ – StorySmash & Creative One Comics![StorySmash panel StorySmash panel]()
Sunday was officially Family Day at New York Comic-Con this year (as it is every year), also known in our house as “Take Your Kid To Work Day.” My 12-year old wanted to shop and go to the VR and video game stations. My little one, however, looked forward to dressing up and doing fun things at the workshops. We chose StorySmash for her, and then she insisted on the cartooning workshop (facilitated by the artists and writers of Creative One Comics), ignoring the pull of Legos and her favorite cousin. Check out StorySmash and Creative One Comics below.
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| NYCC 2016 Interview: Jelly Belly Wonder Woman Art By Kristen Cumings![space]() |
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![Jelly Belly Wonder Woman art Jelly Belly Wonder Woman art]()
Two of the many, many things I love about New York Comic-Con, which held court at the Javits Center in NYC last weekend, are the uniqueness of the activities and the art. When the two are combined, it makes for an even better (and sometimes delicious) surprise. Booth #455 gave passersby free jelly beans (of which my kids ate quite a few). I got a chance to interview jelly bean artist, Kristen Cumings, who is “one of the only people in the world that uses jelly beans as her art form.” So what was up with Jelly Belly? Jelly Belly has a broad range of movies represented in their collection, including Finding Dory and Star Wars, and their Hero Collection includes entertainment icons like Superman and Wonder Woman. From gift tins and bags to bean machines and magic wands, each movie collection contains a range of products.
Check out my interview with artist Kristen Cumings and the beautiful images in the image gallery here below.
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