![Red Hill]()
Red Hill
DIRECTED BY: Patrick Hughes
STARRING: Ryan Kwanten, Steve Bisley, Tom E. Lewis, Claire van der Boom
Strand Releasing
RELEASE DATE: November 5, 2010 (limited)
If anything is terrifying for an authority figure to think about, it’s a very dangerous man that they had a big part in putting away for a long, long time coming back to town for bloody vengeance. This is exactly what happens in Red Hill.
The movie follows Shane Cooper (Ryan Kwanten), a good cop from the city who, after some difficult times and heavy stress lead to his wife (Claire van der Boom) losing their unborn child, transfers to the small town of Red Hill in hopes that their new attempt at starting a family works out a lot better. The day after they arrive at their new home, Shane begins his new job with the town, which is so small that they even still use horses to get around from time to time.
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