| Comic Review: Battlestar Galactica #1
Battlestar Galactica #1
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Alex Sanchez
Colors by Daniela Miwa
Letters by Sal Cipriano
Covers by Alex Sanchez, Butch Guice, Michael Adams, Juan Doe
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: August 3, 2016
Cover Price: $3.99 In The Beginning is a great title for this particular issue. Battlestar Galactica #1 takes us back to the original series’ characters and their quest to find the legendary thirteenth colony known as Earth! But this is a tale that takes place between the episodes, exploring new territory. Quite literally! This premiere issue starts off in crisis mode. An unexpected turn of events forces our “ragtag fugitive fleet” to take action most desperate. But as survival is their main objective, Commander Adama orders the others to follow closely as they all attempt to brave what few others would!
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| Comic Review: Saucer Country, Vol. 2: The Reticulan Candidate |
Saucer Country, Vol. 2
The Reticulan Candidate
Trade Paperback | Kindle Edition
Written by Paul Cornell
Illustrated by Ryan Kelly, David Lapham, Mirko Colak and Andrea Mutti
Colored by Giulia Brusco and Lee Loughridge
Lettered by Sal Cipriano
Cover by Ryan Kelly
Vertigo Comics
Release Date: August 13, 2013
Cover Price: $16.99
Politics can be cutthroat “” especially when you’re running for President. Imagine taking a candidate seriously when they not only believe in aliens, but are sure that they have been abducted themselves. Saucer Country: The Reticulan Candidate is the second and final volume of the Hugo Award nominated series from Vertigo. Written by Paul Cornell and illustrated by Ryan Kelly, the closing chapters of Saucer Country offer an out-of-this-world dose of conspiracy and political intrigue. New Mexico Governor Arcadia Alvarado is running for President of the United States of America. Alvarado, however, has a problem: she and her ex-husband, Michael, believe that they were recently abducted by “aliens.” Struggling to find out the truth behind her beliefs, her campaign team must do everything in their power to get her into office as well as prevent her abduction story from reaching the public. As Election Day closes in, signs begin to lead to multiple “alien” factions controlling governments all over the world and it is unclear whether or not those otherworldly beings are hurting or actually ensuring her chances at the presidency.
...continue reading » Tags: Aliens, Andrea Mutti, David Lapham, Giulia Brusco, Lee Loughridge, Mirko Colak, Paul Cornell, Ryan Kelly, Sal Cipriano, Saucer Country, The Reticulan Candidate, Vertigo Comics | |
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| Comic Review: Masters of the Universe: The Lost Knight |
Masters of the Universe: The Lost Knight
Written by Geoff Johns
Pencils by Howard Porter
Inks by John Livesay
Colors by Carrie Strachan
Letters by Sal Cipriano
Cover by Howard Porter & John Livesay
DC Comics
Release Date: June 23, 2012
Cover Price: $.99
When reading Masters of the Universe: The Lost Knight, you get the feeling that if Mattel was still including mini-comics with their toys, this is the one that would be included with Sir Laser Lot. DC Comics will be releasing these shorter, digital comics every two weeks as a companion or supplement to its Masters of the Universe six-issue miniseries that debuted in comic stores on July 4th. And by the looks of things, we’re in for some GREAT reading. I guess you could say this Geoff Johns guy knows how to write a comic. But, does he know how to write a licensed property comic? Guess what folks, all those DC Comics that he writes, at this point ARE licensed properties. And to answer my own question, YES, he does. Time/page-wise, he doesn’t have much to work with, as this comic is about 17 or 18 pages long, a little shorter than what he’s used to working with. And, to be fair, because of the digital format, most of the pages are only feature a couple of panels. BUT, what he DOES do is pack a TON of story into these panels.
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| Comic Review: Saucer Country #1 Saucer Country #1
Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Ryan Kelly
Colors by Giulia Brusco
Letters by Sal Cipriano
Cover by Ryan Kelly
Created by Paul Cornell & Ryan Kelly
Vertigo Comics
Release date: March 14, 2012
Price: $2.99
Although Vertigo Comics might have hooked me with Neil Gaiman’s classic Sandman series decades ago, I’ve stuck around all these years because the DC imprint’s line of mature comics has rarely disappointed. With gems like Brian K. Vaughan’s Y: The Last Man, Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles, and Bill Willingham’s Fables and its spin-offs, Vertigo has proven time and again that, plain and simple, they make awesome comics, ones that eventually become classics, embedded in our pop culture. With Saucer Country, a new series created by writer Paul Cornell and artist Ryan Kelly, it looks like Vertigo has another winner on their hands.
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