| Comic Review: Red Sonja #100![PS Hayes]() |
By PS Hayes
| @
| February 18th, 2015 at 11:00 am |
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![Red Sonja #100 review Red Sonja #100 review]()
Red Sonja #100
Written by Eric Trautmann, Roy Thomas, Michael Avon Oeming, Gail Simone and Luke Lieberman
Art by Dave Acosta, Pablo Marcos, Taki Soma, Noah Salonga and Sergio Fernandez Davila
Colors by Valentina Pinto and Salvatore Aiala Studios
Letters by Joshua Cozine
Cover art by Ed Benes & Alex Guimaraes, Robert Hack, Andrew Pepoy & Paul Mounts, Ken Haeser and Pablo Marcos & Austin Janosky
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: February 18, 2015
Cover Price: $7.99 Red Sonja #100 is truly the definition of “jam packed”! Dynamite Entertainment has truly gotten the gang back together, and in doing so, we get just about every single kind of Red Sonja story that there is right here in this single comic. In this giant issue, you get sword and sorcery, horror, action, and even a little heartwarming drama. What’s not to love? Consisting of five different stories, by legendary Red Sonja writers like Eric Trautmann, Roy Thomas, Michael Avon Oeming, Gail Simone, and Luke Lieberman, you get everything you want and more in this comic book. Roy Thomas pens a truly great old fashioned sword and sorcery tale with a hint of mystery. Current Red Sonja scribe Gail Simone writes a very entertaining story about Red Sonja finally meeting her childhood “idol.” Then there’s Luke Lieberman’s (Queen Sonja) story about Sonja, a companion, and a sorcerer that is thrilling, yet very heartwarming. Out of all five stories, there’s not a bad one in the bunch.
...continue reading » Tags: Alex Guimaraes, Andrew Pepoy, Austin Janosk, Dave Acosta, Dynamite Entertainment, Ed Benes, Eric Trautmann, Gail Simone, Joshua Cozine, Ken Haeser, Luke Lieberman, Michael Avon Oeming, Noah Salonga, Pablo Marcos, Paul Mounts, Red Sonja, Robert Hack, Roy Thomas, Salvatore Aiala Studios, Sergio Fernandez Davila, Taki Soma, Valentina Pinto | |
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| Comic Review: Red Sonja #78![space]() |
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Red Sonja #78
Story by Brandon Jerwa
Pencils by Sergio Fernandez Davila
Letters by Simon Bowland
Covers by Lucio Parillo
Edited by Joseph Rybandt
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: July 3, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Red Sonja #78 starts, just how I like my comics to start. In the thick of things and with enough action to fill TWO blockbuster summer action movies!! Brandon Jerwa continues this five part story line with a middle chapter that is chock full of story and action, and some pretty epic twists and turns. As this issue begins, we’re in the thick of battle between Sonja and her crew are battling the forces of the oncoming Lord Dracula. That’s right, kids. DRACULA. Yes, that one. Now, these two have battled before but never like this. This is a full out all hands on deck throw down between Sonja and Dracula. And it’s EPIC. This is one of the best issues of Red Sonja that I’ve read in a long time, and that’s saying something because I’ve certainly read my fair share of them. Some great story telling by Jerwa, here.
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| Comic Review: Red Sonja #76![space]() |
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Red Sonja #76
Written by Brandon Jerwa
Art by Sergio Fernandez Davila
Colors by Salvatore Aiala Studios
Letters by Simon Bowland
Covers by Lucio Parrillo
Edited by Joseph Rybandt
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: May 29, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Red Sonja #76 begins a brand new five issue story arc by new writer Brandon Jerwa. Some BIG things happen this issue, and as usual, I’m not going to tell you what they are, but I WILL tell you why you should pick this book up! Brandon Jerwa begins his run with a bang!! It’s unusual that a new writer can shake things up this much. The story starts as a normal Red Sonja adventure, but Jerwa incorporates some mystery into the action, which is a very welcome change and addition to the title. The action, which is plentiful, is fast and hugely entertaining. In this issue, through happenstance, he turns the heroin into a villain while still keeping the readers just as confused as Red Sonja. It all leads to a fantastic last page reveal that not only solves the mystery, but gets the reader VERY excited for the next issue.
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| Comic Review: Lord of the Jungle Annual #1 Lord of the Jungle Annual #1
Written by Mark Rahner
Illustrated by Sergio Fernandez Davila
Colors by Santosh Kumar Rath
Letters by Simon Bowland
Based on the stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Cover by Lucio Parrilo
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: May 23, 2012
Cover Price: $4.99
Lord of the Jungle Annual #1 is a good read for anyone that’s a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs or Tarzan in general. It’s a classic story that some of you might be familiar with, but entertaining nonetheless. Writer Mark Rahner brings us Tarzan’s first trip to civilization! And believe me, it’s a really fun read. There’s been many versions of this story told in countless media, but it’s your classic fish out of water story, with a couple of great twists thrown in for good measure.
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