| ‘Cats’ Trailer: Now It Is Time To Make The Choice![CATS CATS](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/11/cats-530x221.jpg?resize=530%2C221&ssl=1)
Cats, from director Tom Hooper, promises to be the biggest musical film event of the year. With catnip, digitized fur, images of luxurious parties, and an all-star cast including Jennifer Hudson, Idris Elba, Taylor Swift, James Cordon, Rebel Wilson, Jason Derulo, Judi Dench, and newcomer Francesca Hayward. The film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber‘s famous Broadway musical is quite indescribable. Now Universal has released a brand new trailer for the upcoming film, which will have more dancing and more feline antics. You can find the first trailer right here if you missed it. Check out the new trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Amblin Entertainment, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andy Blankenbuehler, Angela Morrison, Bluey Robinson, Cats, Debra Hayward, Eric Fellner, Francesca Hayward, Idris Elba, James Cordon, Jason Derulo, Jennifer Hudson, Jo Burn, Judi Dench, Larry Bourgeois, Laurent Bourgeois, Lee Hall, Les Twins, Mette Towley, Rebel Wilson, Robbie Fairchild, Steven McRae, Steven Spielberg, T.S. Eliot, Taylor Swift, Tim Bevan, Tom Hooper, Universal Pictures, Working Title Films | |
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| ‘Cats’ Trailer: Tom Hooper Uses VFX Technologies To Transform Ensemble Cast Into Cat People![Cats Cats]()
Yesterday, Universal teased the technology that would transform regular looking people like Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, James Corden, Rebel Wilson, Jason Derulo, Idris Elba, Ray Winstone, Ian McKellen, and Judi Dench into felines for Cats, a film adaptation of the Broadway musical of the same name. Now the studio has released the first trailer for that film adaptation. And the results, are, well, you should probably just make that judgment for yourself. Check out the trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andy Blankenbuehler, Angela Morrison, Bluey Robinson, Cats, Debra Hayward, Eric Fellner, Francesca Hayward, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba, James Corden, Jason Derulo, Jennifer Hudson, Jo Burn, Judi Dench, Larry Bourgeois, Laurent Bourgeois, Laurie Davidson, Mette Towley, Rebel Wilson, Robbie Fairchild, Steven McRae, Steven Spielberg, T.S. Eliot, Taylor Swift, Tim Bevan, Tom Hooper, Tom Hopper, Universal Pictures | |
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| ‘Cats’ Featurette: Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, and Idris Elba Introduce Us To A World From A Cat’s Perspective![Cats Clapperboard Cats Clapperboard]()
Universal has released a first look featurette Tom Hooper‘s film adaptation of Cats. Based on the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical which was inspired by on Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot, the film will feature Lloyd Webber’s iconic music and a world-class cast of dancers, state-of-the-art technology, and dance styles ranging from ballet to contemporary, hip-hop to jazz, and street to tap to present the musical to a younger generation in a whole new way. I can’t say I am overly familiar with Cats, but based on everything in the featurette, it will be using new tools and technologies to transform the actors into feline forms. Check the video below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andrew Lloyd Weber, Cats, Francesca Hayward, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba, James Corden, Jason Derulo, Jennifer Hudson, Judi Dench, Lee Hall, Rebel Wilson, Taylor Swift, Tom Hooper, Universal Pictures | |
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| The Drill Down 432: Ten Laws Of Robotics![The Drill Down 432: Ten Laws of Robotics]()
This week, the tech world responds to BREXIT, Microsoft revises Asimov’s laws of robotics, Facebook and YouTube filter out extremist content, Facebook wants you to see more of your friends’ content, why the car in that ad may not be what you think it is, Boston Dynamics brings a robot to the home, and much, much more.
...continue reading » Tags: A.I., advertising, AirBnB, Amazon Dash Button, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Artificial Intelligence, BLACKBIRD, Boston Dynamics, Brexit, copyright infringement, European Union, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Mr. Robot, Music, News Feed, Nintendo, Satya Nadella, Sling TV, SpotMini, Taylor Swift, Tesla, Tesla Model S, Tesla motors, The Mill, United Kingdom, videos, YouTube | |
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| The Drill Down 431: At Least I (Still) Have Chicken![TDD_430]()
This week, Microsoft goes green (sort of), BitTorrent launches a news channel, Tesla invests in solar, Musicians rally against YouTube, Star Wars hits VR…and much, much more.
...continue reading » Tags: AirBnB, AR, bittorrent, C.H.I.P., DMCA, Donald Trump, ILMxLAB, Leeroy Jenkins, Magic Leap, Microsoft, SolarCity, Spotify, Taylor Swift, Tesla, U2, Uber, YouTube | |
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