| New Jersey Horror Con & Film Festival 2018: Ash vs Evil Dead![Dr. Zaius]() |
By Dr. Zaius
| @
| September 24th, 2018 at 1:00 pm |
![Ash vs Evil Dead Dana Delorenzo Kelly Ash vs Evil Dead Dana Delorenzo Kelly]()
This weekend, the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ, hosted the New Jersey Horror Con and Film Festival. Fans packed in to meet and greet their favorite celebrities, take photos, shop the vendor tables, and indulge in Q&A panels. The panel area opened up Friday night with a dynamic duo from Ash vs Evil Dead as stars Dana DeLorenzo (Kelly Maxwell) and Ted Raimi (Chet/Henrietta) took to the stage”¦ or should I say took over the stage. Despite the series being cancelled by the STARZ network earlier this year, DeLorenzo had one of the most consistently packed lines at NJ Horror Con and there were plenty of Ash cosplayers. They gave the fans a hell of a fun time during their panel’s Q&A.
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| Blu-ray Review: Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2![Ash vs Evil Dead S2 Blu-ray review Ash vs Evil Dead S2 Blu-ray review]()
Ash vs Evil Dead
Season 2 Blu-Ray | DVD
Starring Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Lucy Lawless, Ted Raimi
Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Release date: August 22, 2017 Ash vs Evil Dead will be entering its third season on the Starz network after debuting on Halloween, 2015. Last season, in its second year, the show avoided a sophomore slump by hitting the gas pedal hard on everything Evil Dead fans have come to expect: gore, one-liners, crazy chainsaw action, and”¦ did I say… gore! You can get ready for Season 3 by picking up Season 2 on Blu Ray when it hits stores on Tuesday, August 22nd.
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| Blu-ray Review: The Wishmaster Collection (Vestron Video Collector’s Series)![space]() |
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![Vestron's Wishmaster Collection Coming To Blu-ray Vestron's Wishmaster Collection Coming To Blu-ray]()
The Wishmaster Collection
Blu-ray (Vestron Video Collector’s Series)
Directors: Robert Kurtzman, Jack Sholder, Chris Angel
Writers: Peter Atkins, Jack Sholder, Alex Wright, John Martin
Cast: Tammy Lauren, Andrew Divoff, Kane Hodder, Tony Todd, Robert Englund, Reggie Bannister, Ted Raimi, Holly Fields, Paul Johannson, Jason Connery, A.J. Cook, Jason Thompson, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Michael Trucco, Kimberly Huie, John Novak
Distributor: Lionsgate
Rated R | 370 minutes
Release Date: March 2018, 2017 “Once, in a time before time, God breathed life into the universe. And the light gave birth to Angels. And the earth gave birth to Man. And the fire gave birth to the Djinn, creatures condemned to dwell in the void between the worlds. One who wakes a Djinn will be given three wishes. Upon the granting of the third, the unholy legions of the Djinn will be freed to rule the earth. Fear one thing in all there is… fear the Djinn.” In the Wishmaster series, an evil djinn grants three wishes to the person who releases him, fulfilling a prophecy that will unleash his fellow djinn upon the earth and plunge the world into eternal damnation. For the first time, the horror-fantasy series will be available on Blu-ray on March 28, 2017, from Lionsgate’s Vestron Video Collector’s Series label. The three-disc set includes all four films, restored and remastered, plus never-before-seen special features.
...continue reading » Tags: A.J. Cook, Alex Wright, Andrew Divoff, Angus Scrimm, Chris Angel, George Buck Flower, George Flower, Harry Manfredini, Holly Fields, Jack Sholder, Jason Connery, Jason Thompson, John Martin, John Novak, Joseph Pilato, Kane Hodder, Kimberly Huie, Lionsgate, Michael Trucco, Paul Johannson, Peter Atkins, Reggie Bannister, Ricco Ross, Robert Englund, Robert Kurtzman, Scream Factory, Shout! Factory, Tammy Lauren, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Ted Raimi, Tony Todd, Vestron Video, Vestron Video Collector’s Series, Wishmaster | |
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| TV Review: Ash vs Evil Dead 2.6 “Trapped Inside”![space]() |
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![Ash vs Evil Dead ep 2.6 Ash vs Evil Dead ep 2.6 Ted Raimi and Bruce Campbell]()
Ash vs Evil Dead
Episode 2.6 “Trapped Inside”
Directed by Mark Beesley
Written by James E. Eagan
Created by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, Tom Spezialy
Starring Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Lucy Lawless, Samara Weaving, Indiana Evans, Ido Drent, Rebekkah Farrell
Air date: Sunday, November 6, 2016, 8pm Spoilers below for Ash vs Evil Dead… Last week we met Baal (Jeff Tobeck), the father of the demon spawn that Ash (Bruce Campbell) and the gang have been battling since last season. Baal has a knack for hiding in other people’s skin… literally. After getting arrested by his old rival, Sheriff Emery (Stephen Lovatt), everyone converges at the jail. Ash’s compatriots, Ruby (Lucy Lawless), Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo), and Pablo (Ray Santiago) are joined by the Sheriff’s family, Linda (Michelle Hurd), who happens to also be Ash’s old flame, and their daughter Lacey (Pepi Sonuga). Baal messes with their minds before Ash and Ruby team up to shred a deadite in typical graphic fashion. The real story though is poor Pablo. His body is turning against him, his skin becoming the Necronomicon… although that may be what’s necessary to inevitably defeat Baal. Spoilers for this week’s episode of AvED:
...continue reading » Tags: Ash vs Evil Dead, Bruce Campbell, Dana DeLorenzo, Ido Drent, Indiana Evans, Ivan Raimi, James E. Eagan, Lucy Lawless, Mark Beesley, Ray Santiago, Rebekkah Farrell, Sam Raimi, Samara Weaving, Starz, Ted Raimi, Tom Spezialy | |
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| TV Review: Ash vs Evil Dead 2.5 “Confinement”![space]() |
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![Ash vs Evil Dead 2.5 Bruce Campbell Ash vs Evil Dead 2.5 Bruce Campbell]()
Ash vs Evil Dead
Episode 2.5 “Confinement”
Directed by Michael J. Bassett
Written by William Bromell
Created by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, Tom Spezialy
Starring Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo, Lucy Lawless, Samara Weaving, Indiana Evans, Ido Drent, Rebekkah Farrell
Air date: Sunday, October 30, 2016, 8pm Spoilers below for Ash vs Evil Dead… Sorry for the delay, but I’m back with a recap of this week’s Ash vs Evil Dead, Episode 2.5 “Confinement.” But first, let’s catch up with last week: Our heroes were divided as Ash (Bruce Campbell) with his old buddy Chet (Ted Raimi) along for the ride did battle against his possessed car, the Delta, which had Pablo (Ray Santiago) trapped inside. Sadly, Brock Williams (Lee Majors), Ash’s recently forgiving father, is dead, run down and brain squashed by his own possessed automobile. Meanwhile, Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) and Ruby (Lucy Lawless) form an unlikely alliance to defeat her demon spawn. Pablo gets another vision from the book of his death, but he and Ash find a portal to Hell in the trunk of the Delta and finally appear to have ridded themselves of the Necronomicon once and for all. But of course then there wouldn’t be anymore show. The demon spawn’s daddy is coming”¦
...continue reading » Tags: Ash vs Evil Dead, Bruce Campbell, Dana DeLorenzo, Ido Drent, Indiana Evans, Ivan Raimi, Joel Tobeck, Lee Majors, Lucinda Hare, Lucy Lawless, Michelle Hurd, Pepi Sonuga, Ray Santiago, Rebekkah Farrell, Sam Raimi, Samara Weaving, Starz, Stephen Lovatt, Ted Raimi, Tom Spezialy, William Bromell | |
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