Turns out a lot of good things came out of those faux trailers seen in Grindhouse. Robert Rodriguez has taken his Machete trailer and turned it into a full-fledged feature and is working on its sequel. Now Eli Roth‘s faux trailer for Thanksgiving is being turned into a film as well. And the best news is that Thanksgiving could be hitting theaters as early as Fall 2013, the perfect time to release a film like this one.
Here’s what Roth had to say an interview with Behind the Thrills:
[Thanksgiving] is gonna happen. I’m working with the Clown writers on it. We have a call scheduled tomorrow afternoon. Jeff Rendell, my co-writer on it, we have a very extensive treatment. We finally cracked the story and figured out how to really make it scary, and the reason to do it. I’m really excited about it. The Clown writers wrote one of the best scripts I’ve ever read, and before Jon Watts starts shooting Clown he’s got a window, and Chris Ford, his movie Robot & Frank just opened, Chris and John are going to write the screenplay with me and my writing partner Jeff. So we’ll have a draft soon.
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