| Taika Waititi Will Develop Animated ‘Flash Gordon’ Over At Disney![Flash Gordon Flash Gordon]()
Taika Waititi has made a name for himself directing a small handful of indie movies like What We Do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Since then, he’s become one of the most sought out talents. Not only did he direct Thor: Ragnarok, which is easily the best Thor film of the three, but he will be directing Jojo Rabbit, a dark historical satire about a how a young boy in Hitler’s army’s life is turned upside down when he discovers that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl from the Nazis. Waititi will be playing Hitler. He’ll also be one of the voices in Disney+’s The Mandalorian. But now Waititi will be working on a new project. According to reports, he is setting his sights on “cracking” the story for an animated Flash Gordon project at Disney. More on the story below.
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| Watch Comet TV’s ‘Flash Gordon’ Feast This Thanksgiving![Comet TV Flash Gordon Feast Thanksgiving 2018 Comet TV Flash Gordon Feast Thanksgiving 2018]()
If you’re looking to get a scifi fix this Thanksgiving holiday, then tune in to COMET TV for their “The Flash Gordon Feast,” featuring all 12 parts of Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe! The Flash Gordon begins Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018 starting at 1/Noon C on Comet TV, the FREE scifi and horror network you can view through television digi-networks or online at CometTV.com.
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| Contest: COMET TV January 2017 Scifi Spaceman Prize Pack![Dave3]() |
By Dave3
| @
| January 25th, 2017 at 11:00 am |
![Comet TV January 2017 Spaceman Contest Comet TV January 2017 Spaceman Contest]()
Did you know there’s a new television network with scifi programming? Well, there is — it’s COMET TV and it’s FREE! Some highlights for January 2017 are Flash Gordon (1980) and Mad Max (1979). In honor of this month’s programming, we’re giving away a COMET TV prize pack! One (1) Winner will receive: - (1) One Spaceman USB light
- Rock candy sticks
- Pop Rocks packs
TO ENTER: There’s just two simple steps: (1) Subscribe* to Geeks of Doom Daily Email Digest. (2) Fill out the entry form here below and submit. (Form is here after the jump.) Good luck!
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| ‘Flash Gordon’ Movie To Be Directed By Matthew Vaughn![Flash Gordon Flash Gordon]()
Matthew Vaughn, the director of Layer Cake, Stardust, Kick-Ass, X-Men: First Class, and Kingsman: The Secret Service, has entered into negotiations to direct a movie based on the classic comic strip Flash Gordon. We found out a year ago now that 20th Century Fox had acquired the rights to try to make a movie based on the comic after multiple studios including as Universal, Sony, and others tried and failed to pull it off. At the time it was also revealed that J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, who penned a draft of the script for Star Trek 3 before Simon Pegg and Doug Jung took over, were penning Flash Gordon. That remains unchanged, with the duo having penned a draft based on a treatment by George Nolfi.
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| The GoD List: Comics For January 28, 2015![space]() |
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![The GoD List Banner The GoD List Banner]()
Each and every week, I, “Go Patriots!” Henchman 21 and “What trailers are they showing?” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of January 28, 2015. Single issues and trades, they’re all here. Ohhhhhhhhhhh sweet, sweet nectar. These are the weeks that make me love comics oh so much. As I was putting together this list each week, I usually start with a general idea of what books I want to talk about and how many I’ll be writing about on any given week. This week I thought I knew what I was going to write about, but then new books jumped off the release list and demanded that I recommend them to you, and the list just kept getting bigger. There is just such a metric crap load of great books coming out this week that I just can’t wait to tell you about so let’s just get to it and an over-sized The GoD List!
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