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Spider-Man Deal: Financial Details, ‘Amazing Spider-Man 3,’ ‘Venom,’ More
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man

This deal just keeps getting better all the time. Disney has deep pockets, you’d think that Sony would ask the rival studio to pony up some cash to regain the rights to Spider-Man. Well, if you’re already thinking of a number in the billions, you might want to take it down all the way to zero.

Hours after it was announced that Disney would be “sharing” Spider-Man with Sony, details about the deal are being revealed. First up came info regarding when Spidey might make his Marvel debut, whether Andrew Garfield will still be playing the role of Spider-Man, and if the Sinister Six movie was still on or not.

Now new details have arrived, this time revealing some of the financial details of the deal and the status of The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and other spinoffs like Venom. More on all of this after the jump.

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Spider-Man News: Marvel Debut, Andrew Garfield, Sinister Six, More
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

Spider-Man Avengers Image

Last night the comic book world experienced a shake up when it was confirmed that Marvel and Sony made a deal to share Spider-Man. Marvel will not have full rights to the character, as Sony still retains the marketing and final creative control. However, studio head Kevin Feige will co-produce alongside Amy Pascal.

News of a “new Spider-Man” being introduced brought up a couple of questions about the current Spider-Man. The current franchise reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man, has already had two films and launched potential spinoffs. The press release used the word “new” meaning that everything we have come to know about The Amazing Spider-Man and its potential spinoffs are moot.

But a new report suggests otherwise, and that some things are changing while others will remain the same. Hit the jump to find out more.

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Sony Hacking Trouble Reveals Attempt To Share Spider-Man With Marvel and More
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

In the wake of the recent hack at Sony, four of the studio’s upcoming films have already been uploaded to various sharing sites, salaries have been revealed, employees have expressed how they feel about some of the films that are being produced, social security numbers have been leaked, and numerous threats have been made towards employees. While the studio is attempting to get a handle of the situation, it is clear that a lot of damage has been done.

As Sony moves forward, it’s likely we’ll learn what kinds of things were leaked. The Wall Street Journal has done some digging, and have found as a result of the leaks that Sony has had discussions with Marvel about sharing Spider-Man, and that there have been talks with The Lego Movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller about an animated comedy.

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Rumor: Spider-Man’s Aunt May To Get A Solo Movie?
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben and Sally Field as Aunt May

Sony’s Spider-Man universe sounded like a good idea at first, but the latest rumor makes it look as though they are blindly throwing darts at a board. With each new rumor to pop up, their Spider-Man universe feels more like a desperate ploy to stay in competition with their rivals, DIsney’s Marvel Studios and Warner Bros.’ DC Universe, and more of a reason to keep a tight hold of a once lucrative franchise. We are getting a Sinister Six film sooner than expected, which could work given that the tone of the film will be like that of the Dirty Dozen. There are also rumors of an all-female Spider-Man character team up. Then there is Venom, but the status of that film is still up in the air.

With Sinister Six and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 are pretty much locks, but still far from ready to start filming, a new rumor has emerged to make it look as though Sony will do just about anything to keep the Spider-Man character in their grasp. According to a new rumor, the studio is interested in a movie centered around Spidey’s Aunt May.

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Sony Rumored To Be Working On An All-Female Spider-Man Film
eelyajekiM   |  @   |  

Spider-Girl header image

In the past few weeks, Marvel and Warner Bros. have dropped huge bombs on their fans by making massive superhero announcements. Fox seems content with what they have in terms of X-Men and Fantastic Four, but it seems that Sony is in a bit of trouble with Spider-Man. We didn’t get the news that the webslinger would join the Avengers this week, and the latest rumor could reveal that the studio is scrambling to figure out what to do with their franchise.

At first Sony announced their own Spideyverse in order to compete with Marvel and WB, but with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 performing lower than expected, Sony went back to the drawing board. One of their first moves was to reschedule The Amazing Spider-Man 3 for a 2018 release, and reschedule the Dirty Dozen-style Sinister Six for a 2016 release. And who knows what’s going on with that Venom movie. Now Sony is rumored to have an interesting film lined up. A new report says that the studio is planning to release an all-female Spider-Man team-up film. Hit the jump for more.

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