| 4K Review: Toy Story 4![TOY STORY 4 TOY STORY 4]()
Toy Story 4
4K | Blu-ray | DVD | Digital
Director: Josh Cooley
Writers: Stephany Folsom, Andrew Stanton
Cast: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Tony Hale, Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Ally Maki, Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Blake Clark, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
Rated G | Minutes: 100
Release Date: October 8, 2019 Practically everyone who has seen Toy Story 3 would agree that it was a perfect end to a long trilogy that defines Pixar Animation Studios. So it was a bit hard to understand why they would ever want to continue the franchise given how it all ended. However, Toy Story 4 defies that by giving its fans the perfect epilogue. And now we get to bring that home on 4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital. Along with the terrific sequel, there are a ton of bonus features to look forward to, all of which we will cover in our review below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ally Maki, Andrew Stanton, Annie Potts, Blake Clark, Disney, Disney Pixar, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris, Joan Cusack, John Ratzenberger, Jordan Peele, Josh Cooley, Keegan Michael Key, Pixar, Pixar Animation, Stephany Folsom, Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Tony Hale, Toy Story, Toy Story 4, Wallace Shawn, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| Release Dates For ‘Toy Story 4’ Digital, 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD Revealed![Toy Story 4 Toy Story 4]()
Release dates for the home video released of Toy Story 4 have been announced by Disney. The latest entry in the long-running animated franchise makes its way to digital, 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD this fall. You can find much more info on the releases, including bonus features that will be included and dates, along with a trailer below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ally Maki, Andrew Stanton, Annie Potts, Blake Clark, Bonnie Hunt, Chris Stapleton, Christina Hendricks, Disney, Disney•Pixar, Don Rickles, Emily Davis, Estelle Harris, Jay Hernandez, Joan Cusack, John Ratzenberger, Jonas Rivera, Jordan Peele, Josh Cooley, Keanu Reeves, Keegan Michael Key, Kristen Schaal, Lee Unkrich, Lori Alan, Madeleine McGraw, Mark Nielsen, Pete Docter, Pixar, Randy Newman, Stephany Folsom, Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Tony Hale, Toy Story, Toy Story 4, Wallace Shawn | |
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| Movie Review: Toy Story 4![space]() |
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![TOY STORY 4 TOY STORY 4]()
Toy Story 4
Director: Josh Cooley
Writer: Stephany Folsom, Andrew Stanton
Cast: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Tony Hale, Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Ally Maki, Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Blake Clark, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
Rated G | Minutes: 100
Release Date: June 21, 2019 It has been an incredible journey for the Toy Story gang. Though Toy Story 3 is hailed as one of the best of the franchise, many questioned the need to have another sequel about Woody and Buzz. Well, everything seen and heard in Toy Story 4 validates that need. An emotionally and visually beautiful epilogue to Pixar’s flagship films, Toy Story 4 takes some bold risks by inserting heavy themes and thrusts beloved characters into unfamiliar territory. By doing so, we get to see these treasured characters in a whole new light and are given even more reasons to continue loving them. Most importantly, the film continues to have all the heart and the humor that the franchise is known for. Check out my full review here below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ally Maki, Andrew Stanton, Annie Potts, Blake Clark, Disney Pixar, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris, Joan Cusack, John Ratzenberger, Jordan Peele, Josh Cooley, Keegan Michael Key, Stephany Folsom, Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Tony Hale, Toy Story, Toy Story 4, Wallace Shawn, Walt Disney Studios | |
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| Final ‘Toy Story 4’ Trailer: Woody and The Gang Discover What They Really Are![TOY STORY 4 TOY STORY 4]()
The entire premise of Toy Story 4 asks the question, what makes a toy a toy? It’s a deep and existential question that has never been explored in any of the previous Toy Story films. This comes about when Bonnie brings home Forky (Tony Hale), a googly-eyed spork with pipe-cleaners for arms and a broken popsicle stick for legs. It just sets the stage for a much bigger adventure when Bonnie takes all of her toys on a family road trip, and Woody (Tom Hanks), being the honorable sheriff that he is, promises to bring back Forky when he runs away. Pixar has now released the final trailer for Toy Story 4, and you can check it out below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ally Maki, Annie Potts, Blake Clark, Disney, Disney Pixar, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris, Jeff Pidgeon, Joan Cusack, John Ratzenberger, Jordan Peele, Josh Cooley, Keanu Reeves, Keegan Michael Key, Pixar, Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Tony Hale, Toy Story, Toy Story 4, Wallace Shawn | |
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| My First Visit To Pixar and ‘Toy Story 4’ Footage Reaction![TOY STORY 4 TOY STORY 4]()
As a reporter, I have opportunities to visit animation studios and get a sneak preview of their upcoming films. It’s an exciting experience to step foot in these studios, to see such their rich histories and marvel at the legacy they are creating. But there’s nothing like visiting Pixar Animation Studios. When one gets an invite to go there, it’s hard to say no. So I was caught off guard when said invite came. Needless to say, I immediately said yes. As a Pixar fan, I was going to enjoy every single moment and every single second of being on their campus in Emeryville, CA. It goes without saying that it was a life-changing experience. And so, after all the flights and getting settled into the hotel, I joined a group of journalists to take a look at the Pixar campus to see what Toy Story 4 is all about. More on this and reaction to the footage we were shown, below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ally Maki, Annie Potts, Christina Hendricks, Disney, Disney•Pixar, Josh Cooley, Mark Nielsen, Pixar, Randy Newman, Steve Jobs, Tom Hanks, Tony Hale, Toy Story, Toy Story 4 | |
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