Eclipse, the third book in author Stephenie Meyer‘s wildly popular vampire series Twilight, has unexpectedly given a major boost to the classic novel Wuthering Heights.
The Telegraph reports that fans of the Twilight books are running out to get Wuthering Heights thanks to the reveal that the 1847 Emily Brontë novel is a favorite of Bella’s, the main character in the Twilight series.
To get in on all the new readership from the Twilight fanbase, HarperTeen Publishers are re-releasing Wuthering Heights
on October 6 with a new Twilight-inspired cover, which will include a new stamp that reads “Bella and Edward’s Favorite Book.” A similar cover revision was already done earlier this year for the UK version of the book.
In Eclipse, Bella references the Brontë novel several times, comparing her relationship with her vampire love Edward to that of Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights, quoting the part of the classic novel where Catherine talks about Heathcliff: “If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”
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