| Comic Review: Youngblood #75 |
By PS Hayes
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| January 2nd, 2013 at 5:30 pm |
Youngblood #75
Story by Jim McLaughlin
Art by Jon Malin
Colors by Ross Hughes
Letters by Rus Wooton
Script Assistance by Manolis Vamvounis
Covers by Rob Liefeld & Mike Capprotti, Rob Liefeld & Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld, Ryan Ottley and George Perez
Image Comics
Release Date: January 2, 2013
Cover Price: $4.99
Say what you will about its creator, but Youngblood #75 is just balls out FUN! This is totally a 90’s comic set in modern times, and that’s exactly what it should be. Looking for fun? You found it! Jim McLaughlin puts out another great issue of this classic Image series. I can’t tell you enough how much PURE fun this book is! It’s got all the hallmarks of the Youngblood series that we grew up with, only better. There’s TONS of action, snappy dialogue, great superhero stuff, and a little touch of modern day situations. Besides the main story, McLaughlin sneaks in a couple of really interesting subplots that are going to be pretty fantastic when they come to fruition.
...continue reading » Tags: George Perez, Image Comics, Jim McLaughlin, Jon Malin, Manolis Vamvounis, Mike Capprotti, Rob Liefeld, Ross Hughes, Rus Wooton, Ryan Ottley, Todd McFarlane, Youngblood | |
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| Comic Review: Youngblood #74 |
By PS Hayes
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| September 20th, 2012 at 12:30 pm |
Youngblood #74
Written by John McLaughlin
Art by Jon Malin
Colors by Ross Hughes
Letters by Russ Wooton
Cover by Rob Liefeld & Ross Hughes
Image Comics
Release Date: September 19, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
Youngblood #74 is a little lite compared to the past few issues of the rebooted series. But, it still manages to maintain in a fun, nostalgic way. All your favorites are here and they’re fighting a bunch of kick butt bad guys. What more could you want? I’m not sure if it’s John McLaughlin‘s writing that hooks me or just the overall experience of reading this book. Yes, there’s a definite nostalgia factor when reading this book, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Plus, add to the fact that it’s been updated for current times and trends and you have one solid comic. I have to be honest, I don’t care for the other Liefeld reboots. I’m glad that they stuck with the “normal” superhero formula for this one. It’s what works and, in my opinion, what the title should be. You can change whatever you want to about the other books, Youngblood is best when it’s just straight-up superhero team vs. super villain battles. And, there’s a great deal of intrigue and mystery withing the book itself, so we ALL win! At its core this book is what it should be. A superhero team book. And it excels at that.
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| Comic Review: Youngblood #73 |
By PS Hayes
| @
| August 22nd, 2012 at 6:30 pm |
Youngblood #73
Written by John McLaughlin
Art by John Malin
Colors by Ross Hughes
Letters by Russ Wooton
Editors Eric Stephenson
Cover by Rob Liefeld & Ross Hughes
Image Comics
Release Date: August 22, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99
Youngblood #73 reminds you why you loved Image Comics in the 90s. I have to admit, when I was about 20 years old or so, I was REALLY into Image Comics, like everyone was, for a few years they were fun. Then, the company (and its creators) really went into a different direction. Now, it seems they’ve balanced out their brand with books like this, Supreme, Bloodstrike, and things that you normally wouldn’t associate as “Image books” like Saga, Thief of Thieves, Revival, etc. But, it’s very nice that you can pick up a book off the stands and immediately say THIS is an Image Comic!”
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| Image Comics Advance Previews, July 11, 2012 |
By Dave3
| @
| July 10th, 2012 at 11:30 am | Tags: Bulletproof Coffin, Chew, Dancer, Enormous, Hoa, Hunters, Image Comics, Lil Depressed Boy, Peter Panzerfaust, Planetoid, Revival, The Walking Dead, Wild Children, Youngblood | |
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| The GoD List: Comics For May 23, 2012 |

Each and every week “Batman Incorporated Is The Only Thing That Matters” MK2Fac3 and “Dirty Hench” Henchman21 read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. They look forward to some more than others, I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of their pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of May 23, 2012. Single issues and trades, they’re all here. Guys, seriously, I love Florence + The Machine, I’m listening to their MTV Unplugged album right now, and it’s just so good. Right now is a really good time for a fan of female vocalists. Anyway, I know that has nothing to do with what we’re supposed to be talking about right now, and that’s fine, but you should know that Daniel Bryan was robbed on Sunday and he should have taken home the championship! What are we talking about again? Oh right, comics. Sure, there are comics coming out this week, but for the life of me, I can’t think of anything that I’d rather read more than Batman Incorporated, so that’s what I’ll be talking about at length, while Chris talks about some new comics, some new old comics, and some that are in between! So, strap in to your seat belts because I’m about to take you on a nice long ride where I talk a whole lot about Batman. No backseat drivers! Only The GoD List!
...continue reading » Tags: Batman, Batman Incorporated, Chris Burnham, Claudio Sanchez, Comic Book History of Comics, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Foot Soldiers, Fred Van Lente, Grant Morrison, Hero Comics 2012, IDW Publishing, IKKSE:3, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3, Jim Zub, Joe Hill, Jon Malin, Kevin Eastman, Makeshift Miracle, Matt Kindt, Michael Avon Oeming, Mind MGMT, Red Star, Robert Leifeld, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Cape, The Hero Initiative, UDON, Youngblood, Zach Howard | |
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