I Am Legend
Written by Richard Matheson
Tor Books
Robert Neville is the last man on Earth, but he is far from the last living being. It has been several years since an unknown plague covered the Earth and seemingly wiped out every human, save for Robert. But those humans that died did not stay dead, and have now returned to life as vampires, thirsting for human blood. For Robert’s blood. By day, Robert goes through a strict routine to fortify his home with mirrors, garlic, and nailed-up boards, and hand making the endless amount of stakes needed for his other daily routine — vampire slaying. By night, Robert sits in his home, listening to classical music and drinking himself to sleep while vampires stumble around and call for him to come out.
Fed up by not knowing what caused the plague, and still haunted by the death of his family, Robert finally decides to begin researching what may have been the origin. Though Robert is not a scientific man, he has all the time in the world to become one. He adds a trip to the library to his daily routine, where he finds books on viruses, bacteria, and basic scientific theory. Through this new process of theorizing and study, Robert finds a renewal in his life, and as he comes close to a theory that may stick under securitization, he stumbles across the biggest discovery of all — he may not be the last human alive after all!
Written by Richard Matheson in 1954, I Am Legend
has become a legend of it own for the influence it has had on literature and cinema over the past fifty years. Stephen King and Brian Lumley have repeatedly sourced Matheson as inspiration. Ray Bradbury, Fangoria, and Psycho author Robert Bloch shower him with praise. Matheson’s story has been brought to the screen in 1964 as The Last Man On Earth (which in turn influenced the original Night Of The Living Dead), in 1971 as The Omega Man, and now in 2007 as I Am Legend.
Matheson’s tale is as powerful today as it was when it was first published, and as a testament to its longstanding, has aged hardly at all. The exploration of the darker sides of human emotion — loneliness and confusion especially — and the will to survive make this a timeless tale, and the fact that the story takes place long after most technology has become completely obsolete means that Neville’s journey will almost never be dated.
While this is certainly a horror novel by any means, the horror comes not from the external attacks of the vampires, but from the internal tribulations of Neville, and the nightly menaces seem trivial compared to Neville’s mental demons. Matheson takes the reader on Neville’s journey of repetition and routine to keep from going insane. Much of the story is told through Neville’s monologues to himself, as he talks his way through the day, and keeps himself in the present. Only briefly does he think back to the past, which is far too painful for him to revisit for even a fraction of a thought, and any shattered memories that Neville remembers are quickly doused with alcohol and even more detailed repetition.
What makes Neville here so fascinating is that he is just a regular man who has been thrust into an irregular situation. He is no hero, but merely a man who has tapped into mankind’s repressed survival instincts. Sometimes, he is not even a survivor, merely a teetering soul on the brink of madness who is tired of being alone, but too much of a coward to even commit suicide. In one of the saddest moments of the book, Neville discovers that there is a stray dog in his neighborhood. The dog is too scared to trust Neville, yet each day Neville attempts to feed the dog and gain its trust. He puts aside all of his other responsibilities in the hopes of finally winning over the dog, and fantasizes about the dog becoming his dog. This is a man stripped down to his frayed emotional core, and Matheson details Neville’s desperation in frightening detail.
Neville’s understanding of what has happened to the world, which in turn is the reader’s slow understanding, is part of the mesmerizing charm of Matheson’s book. Unlike any of the film incarnations of Neville, here in the original novel Neville is not a scientist and is not actively involved with the plague as it spreads out across the planet. He instead must start from scratch as he analyzes the situation and becomes a self-taught armchair researcher. As Neville becomes more aware, on a scientific level, of what has happened around him, Matheson begins to change his writing to accommodate Neville’s newfound knowledge. Matheson ever so subtly switches from chilling bump-in-the-night scares to a critical analysis of what is making those bumps. The result is an unprecedented explanation for what makes a vampire a vampire, and why the classic superstitions that have become associated with the vampire work as they do.
Matheson isn’t just content with his dissection of the vampire mythos, but also dives head first into an exploration of what legends mean and the associated perception of truth, fear, and understanding based on a majority of a population thinking a certain way. Much like zombies would be used as a tool to explore racial and social issues in the decades to come, Matheson here takes legends and transforms them into a tool to expose the irrational line of thinking of what is not understood and in a minority must be contained and destroyed. For Matheson’s part, it is a purely brilliant way to broach such critical thinking at a time when World War II was not even a decade past and segregation was an everyday fact of life in the United States.
I Am Legend is perhaps one of the greatest novels on vampirism that has been brought to the page. Perhaps only Bram Stoker’s story deserves more praise. What at first may appear to be a horror pulp story to be read under the covers then forgotten is nothing short of an astonishing analysis of not only then-current issues, but an examination that can be re-interpreted and used as a magnifying class for any political or social strife. Cinema may be able to catch a glimmer of what Matheson brought to the page, but the story just cannot be translated to another medium as it stands. I Am Legend remains a classic and essential piece of modern literature for a reason, and it is nothing short of a masterpiece.
It is a wonderful book. I finally read it in 1999. The story is timeless and each film version delivers a unique take on it, even if they are not accurate versions of the book. Neville is one of the great characters. I don’t know if the Will Smith version will add anything new, but the story and what lingers from it– well that is a sign of a good story.
Comment by Jerry — December 10, 2007 @ 7:13 pm
This is definitely one of my favorite books. I think The Last Man On Earth really captured the “feel” of the novel, but The Omega Man, good lord, no no no. I’m really curious now what the new version will be like.
Thanks for prompting this Week of Geek theme with your review of The Last Man On Earth (going live tomorrow). It was that review that brought you into the GoD fold and into our hearts :-) :::mushy mushy mushy:::
Comment by Empress Eve — December 10, 2007 @ 7:47 pm
One of my favorite horror stories from one of my favorite writers. This entire book is pure gold — including the short stories that fill it out.
Great review!
Comment by NeverWanderer — December 10, 2007 @ 8:52 pm
I am re-reading this right now. Thanks to this great review. The last time I read was in the summer of 1999 when this edition came out. What strikes me is as much as I like the two filmed versions, neither of them can get at the heart of Neville’s character. There is such a desperation to him and while I like those films a lot, they don’t capture Neville at all.
I don’t know if Francis Lawrence and Will Smith can do it, but judging from the trailer, it looks like Will might be a very good Neville.
As for Matheson, what we owe him is beyond evaluation. Talk about genius!!!
Comment by Jerry — December 10, 2007 @ 10:11 pm
Seriously. I can’t think of a more influential writer who virtually *no-one* knows about. Spielberg’s first flick? Written by Matheson, based on his own short-story. This one, I Am Legend, probably single-handedly kicked off the survival horror genre. Also, just name a few of your favorite Twilight Zone episodes… chances are they were either written by him or based on his stories. He’s the guy that put the thing on the wing!!
Plus, he’s a writer whose style is just as accessable today as it was back in the 50’s. He’s incredibly easy to read!
Okay… I think I’m done gushing…
Comment by NeverWanderer — December 10, 2007 @ 10:27 pm
I finished last night. It is still such a great read.
For some reason, I am not as eager to watch the film only because I don’t think this version will do it justice either. I hope I am wrong.
Comment by Jerry — December 11, 2007 @ 8:40 am
This is a fantastic review of a great story. Even after all these years the story holds up perfectly. I agree with everything NeverWanderer said too.
Comment by WordSlinger — December 11, 2007 @ 3:25 pm
I just finished the book. It was the first book I’ve read in a decade. Easy read and I did it in less then 2 days.
Robert Neville is a great character. I love how you heard all of his struggles. I haven’t seen any of the three movies yet but I don’t think they can get as deep as his character is.
I will definitely look into more of his books.
Comment by ItsMeTrev — December 20, 2007 @ 7:48 pm
r u people crazy?! i read this book for a project and it PUT ME TO SLEEP!
i thought it absolutely sucked! although, if i had read this review before i read the book, i was have been very interested in it. very well written
Comment by jejeisaBAMF — October 17, 2008 @ 12:13 am
I thought this book was AWESOME! jejeisaBAMF: 1. get a new name cuz i’m pretty sure if your commenting on this review you’re not a BAMF. 2. what the heck is your deal.. did you even read the book? goodness…
you OBVIOUSLY don’t know good literature when you read it.
Comment by WhatWhat — February 26, 2009 @ 1:23 pm
I thought this book was good, I seen the movie which inspired me to read the book! They are much different from eachother, but i thought it was a good book! I didn’t really understand the ending though..a little confused about that and who those people were with ruth, but I still enjoyed it! Good Summary also! Nicely done! :-)
Comment by Nancy Addle — July 27, 2009 @ 8:23 pm
This book was really good the whole survival story realy made me see the story in a different perspective from the movie. I didnt understand the ending all that well. And what is with the little background storys after the incident with ruth, i dont understand them, are they suposed to play a part in the main story or what?Â
Comment by Silent Bob — May 17, 2011 @ 1:15 am