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The Words That Will Put James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ At The Top Of Your Must-See List
The Movie God   |  @   |  


It has been multiple years now that we’ve been aware of James Cameron and his revolutionary juggernaut of a movie, Avatar. As these years have passed, we’ve seen concept and behind-the-scenes images, but still not too much beyond that. Recently though, a small crowd of special peoples had the Willy Wonka-like opportunity to see 24-minutes of footage from the movie at CinemaExpo in Amsterdam.

Among this disgustingly lucky group of people, a handful of them offered up a description of what they saw, and it’s one of those situations where the words are really difficult to put together, and even harder for someone like myself to even attempt to recycle and be useful to you. In this matter, /Film gathered up a collection of clips of these descriptions and put them in one spot — you can go there to read them all, and you can follow the links provided to go to each site and read the full descriptions. Of the many that offered up a description of what they saw, I’ve picked a couple of bits to include below.

We all knew that Avatar was setting up to be a really special event and something that we’ve never seen, but after reading these recaps, you can’t help but put this movie at the very top of your must-see list. It’s really shaping up to be more of a Universal Studios movie ride instead of just heading off to the theater.

Click over to read the exciting recaps and to check out a second image. Both images were taken at an after party, compliments of UCSNord.

Here’s what one witness reported on ComingSoon:

3-D until now has been used as a gimmick.

It took my breath away. I thought–just like you guys–that I’ve seen it all with Gollum, or The Hulk, but Cameron has done it again. These creatures seem so real, that within minutes you forget you’re watching an enormous and very blue CGI character. Even the eyes are totally convincing. The characters have real personalities and a soul.

How the hell is it possible that I never once felt like I’ve been watching a movie where almost everything comes out of a computer?

The effects are in a league of their own. After some disappointing or even pointless 3-D movies, Avatar maybe the first movie where 3-D is properly utilized.

Here’s what MarketSaw had to say:

You will NOT believe the detail.

The world outside is amazing. It all lives, breathes and works.

You will not believe the amount of leaves that look like someone created that jungle for real.

Little fireflies and birds fly through the shots without being there. You just take them as the world, like a dove in Central Park. It’s not placed there, it lives there and just happens to be in the shot.

There’s a shot of leaves somewhere which is so photorealistic you don’t want to think it’s CGI. You believe this world from the get-go. It’s there, you don’t need to believe it because you will experience it.

This movie will change the industry. It can now enable me to play a character in a studio, then to be transferred into something different on screen so an audience will believe I am that different character. This is not the Polar Express style ‘change of character’. This will enable actors to act without them being cast on looks, but on bodylanguage from now on.

Fifty years from now I’ll tell my grandkids I was at this presentation and witnessed it 6 months before the movie world was changed.

Again, these are just two bits out of much longer descriptions. By following the links to these sites, you can find much more detailed descriptions of the presentation at CinemaExpo!


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