Thor #609
Written by: Kieron Gillen
Cover by: Mico Suayan
Art by: Billy Tan
Inks by: Mike Harris
Colors by: Scott Cohn
Marvel Comics
Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 28, 2010
Thor #609 continues the story arc of what is happening with all the Asgardians during Siege. We get a follow up to most of our stories and a hint of what is coming for all of Asgard. Mysteriously, there is no Thor in this issue at all but this isn’t surprising since he is still banished from Asgard. Kieron Gillen is doing a great job of juggling all of these storylines and I am extremely happy with this team even though I was very worried about the changeover back when it happened. I am happy to report that I am completely on board for everything that has happened and will happen in the Thor universe and that editorial has done a great job of letting the art transition and flow into Billy Tan‘s run.
Billy Tan’s art really stands out as a perfect fit to the Thor universe. This is very important to me as a Thor fan because there is a certain look that needs to be kept for the book. You want all of your gods to have a beauty to them, but you can’t have a cheap look to them. While some people may disagree with me, the look cannot be boiled down to big boobs and bulges. Each god has to have an otherworldly feel to them or it just doesn’t work. This is why I am totally down with Tan’s art. I mean especially when you see him draw Kelda with the reverence and respect to her character.
So moving onto the story we get to look back in on all three of the main stories from the last couple of issues with Balder, Kelda, and Volstagg. I am especially fond of all three of these storylines which seems like a rare thing nowadays. Usually I would be annoyed by one of them and just wish I could not read one of them. Balder is forced to gather his people or all hope is lost in Asgard. All this while Loki is trying to convince all of the Asgardians that he is there to help even though he fully admits to helping all of the events of Siege happen. Balder will have none of this and tells Loki that if anyone from Asgard runs into Loki that there will be trouble for him.
Volstagg’s story continues now that he has defeated Ragnarok, Thor’s clone. He runs into Kelda who is getting attacked by William’s parents house by a lot of agents of H.A.M.M.E.R. unfairly. William’s mom convinces Kelda she needs to fight back and then Volstagg shows up to help her take in all of the agents. Volstagg then decides to turn himself back in for what he has done but both of the police officers tell him he needs to continue helping them round up the rest of the villains fighting in the siege of Asgard. I really love all of the moments with Kelda. Her conversation with William’s mom is just downright touching. I also am loving the characterization of Volstagg and his guilt for what happened to start all of the Siege event.
Overall, I give Thor #609 a 5 out of 5 and the current arc a 5 out of 5 and hope everyone grabs the last couple of issues if not the entire run of J. Michael Straczynski and get completely caught up. This book and Amazing Spider-Man are two best books Marvel is putting out in my opinion.
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