![God of War God of War]()
It’s been a long, long time since we heard anything about the hit video game franchise, God of War, being turned into a movie. Once upon a time Brett Ratner was attached to the project, but it was well over three years ago now that we were told that Ratner was putting the movie on the back burner and moving on to “Trump Heist,” which of course became Tower Heist.
Now the mighty Kratos has resurfaced, and it appears Universal is ready to give it another go. The studio has hired Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan to rewrite a draft of the script penned by executive producer David Self.
The writing duo first dug into the screenwriting world with four of the Saw movies before a spec script they wrote titled Monstropolis scored them a gig working with the great Guillermo del Toro on his upcoming monster movie Pacific Rim.
No word yet on who the next director could be or what storyline will be used, but fans of the games should be excited to see the movie moving forward again.
It also reignites one of the hardest movie/game-related questions to answer: just who out there do you cast to play Kratos? Not at all an easy one to answer, but share your thoughts!
[Source: Heat Vision]
Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones!!
Comment by Dpg2383 — July 11, 2012 @ 11:31 pm
Nah its not a hard role to cast, just call Vin Diesel
Comment by Diego De Fuentes — July 16, 2012 @ 12:15 pm
The rock?!!!!!
Comment by Esteban — July 21, 2012 @ 10:57 pm