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The GoD List: Comics For April 3, 2013
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Each and every week, I, “I Got Nothin'” Henchman21, read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, I look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of my pull list, grab some comics, and I’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of April 3, 2013. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.

We have a special guest for this week’s edition of The GoD List who also happens to read a lot of comics – GoD editor Empress Eve.


Swamp Thing 19

Swamp Thing #19 (DC Comics – $2.99) It wasn’t that long ago that Swamp Thing was the hottest book out there, but times have changed and Scott Snyder has moved on. In comes Charles Soule to bring some new energy to the series. Soule cut his teeth at Image on the series 27 but now he’s moved over to DC. After the events of Rotworld, Alec Holland has embraced his role as Swamp Thing, fully joining the Parliament of Trees and giving up his humanity. He also had to sacrifice his girlfriend, Abigail Arcane, which is kind of a bummer. With the Rotworld epic behind him, Swampy can move on to other adventures. First up; The Scarecrow. I have a lot of hope for Soule’s run on this series. I didn’t read 27 myself, but I’ve heard plenty of good things about it, and a change should do this series well. Swamp Thing could probably stand to be a little less epic for a while, so we’ll see where Soule takes the series.

Thanos Rising (Marvel Comics – $3.99) Marvel has Thanos fever these days, thanks to a cameo in a certain movie which will presumably lead into a big role in the sequel. So, for the next two years, it looks like the publishing side of Marvel is going to be inundated with the big purple destroyer of worlds. And Thanos Rising is the next step in Marvel’s plan to put him front and center. Writer Jason Aaron sets out to retell Thanos’ origin and explain why he became the mad titan that he is. Joining him on art is Simone Bianchi, whose dark, painted style should match up with what should be an epic tale. Between this and the upcoming Marvel Infinity, you should get ready for a whole lot of Thanos.

Locke & Key: Omega #4 (of 7) (IDW Publishing – $3.99) Submitted for your approval; the best comic book being released. Only three more issues to go, and it’s never too late to jump on this series. I’ll keep harping on this till everyone is reading Locke & Key. Or at least till the last issue comes out.

Hi everyone, it’s Empress “I read a lot of comics even though I’m a girl” Eve, and I’m jumping onto The GoD List to give you some of MY picks this week, too. That’s right, a chick is going to recommend comics to you, but she does run this entire site, so maybe don’t be so surprised, m’kay?

The Massive #1 Brian Wood Dark Horse

The Massive #1 (Dark Horse – $1.00) Brian Wood. 32 pages. One dollar. Need I say more??? Probably not, but here’s the deal: This issue is part of Dark Horse’s 1 for $1 initiative, where they take an issue #1, reprint it, and sell for only $1. Seriously, you can’t get shit for a dollar these days, except maybe one MP3 song, but that’s about it. You can’t even get on the bus for a buck, but you can get a 32-page comic written by Brian Wood. If you order a print copy from TFAW, it’s only 90 cents! If you dig the issue, then grab The Massive, Vol. 1: Black Pacific in trade paperback or for the Kindle.

Here’s the official word on The Massive:

In a post-war, post-Crash, post-disaster, post-everything world, the environmental action trawler Kapital scours the earth’s oceans for its missing sistership, The Massive, while struggling to redefine its core mission. Captain Callum Israel, a man who dedicated his life to the ocean, now must ask himself””as our planet dies””what it means to be an environmentalist after the world’s already ended.

Abe Sapien #1 (Dark Horse – $3.50) GoD Listers both present and past all have their predictable picks: Henchman21 has X-Men, MK2Fac3 had Batman, and I have the Hellboy universe. Put out anything to do the Hellboy universe, and you know I’m adding it to my pull list, especially if it revolves around Abe fucking Sapien! AND if creator Mike Mignola is involved, which he is – he and Scott Allie came up with the story. Oh – and Dave Stewart does the colors, and man, do I love his colors. Abe Sapien #1: Dark and Terrible Part 1 begins an all-new ongoing series which sees the titular amphibian on the run from the B.P.R.D., presumably to investigate his mysterious origins. The story opens up with an invocation of Satan – that’ll grab ya.

DC Universe by Alan Moore (DC Comics – $24.99) This was released last year in hardcover, but now it’s available in trade paperback. (You can get it now at TFAW for $22.49, but it comes out at Amazon on 4/9 for $14.27.) This 464-page collection contains some of Alan Moore’s best superhero contributions at DC Comics, like the two-part Action Comics “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” Superman story; “For the Man Who Has Everything” (Superman Annual #11); the Superman/Swamp Thing team up “The Jungle Line” in DC Comics Presents #85, and much more. This new edition is similar to the 2006 collection Across the Universe: The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore, except it adds some new material — Deathblow and Voodoo — but omits Batman: The Killing Joke, which is now sold separately as a deluxe edition hardcover. Here’s what’s listed as included in the book…


Kiss Vol. 2 (IDW Publishing – $17.99) It’s a KISS comic. I’m obsessed with KISS. There you have it. In this collection, KISS has to face the mad scientist Abner Devereaux from KISS Meets The Phantom Of The Park, my favorite of all bad movies! RIP RIP, RIP AND DESTROY! Also, there’s some cosmic shit going on.

Lastly, it’s not a comic, but I wanted to point out that the Battlestar Galactica Cylon Centurion Coaster 4-pk was released today for $13.99. And since coasters f’n rock and I’m obsessed with them, I want these. That is all.

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