Out of all the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe scheduled for release during Phase Two, James Gunn‘s Guardians of the Galaxy would be the only one that isn’t a sequel. Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana (who reportedly isn’t fully committed to the film just yet), Dave Bautista, and Michael Rooker all have starring roles in the film, with Lee Pace in negotiations to play the antagonist. The roles of Rocket Raccoon and Groot still have to be cast though, but with filming scheduled to begin later this summer, expect to hear of some names taking the role really soon.
Now it’s being reported that John C. Reilly (Wreck-It Ralph) has been offered a role as Rhomman Dey in Guardians of the Galaxy.
For those unfamiliar with the name, Dey is the leader of the Nova Corps on a planet called Xandar. But when Xandar is destroyed by the space pirate Zorr, Dey seeks revenge, he even teams up with the Guardians from time to time. Though he was portrayed as an alien in comic book lore, this Dey, described as “the primary face of normal humanity,” is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and will act as a liaison to the Guardians. Kind of like Agent Coluson was to the Avengers.
The report adds that Dey will have a peer, and that Marvel is looking towards names like Hugh Laurie, Alan Rickman, and Ken Watanabe for that part.
Marvel Studios is set to release Guardians of the Galaxy August 1, 2014.
[Source: Hitfix]
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