Kevin Feige Talks ‘Ant-Man,’ Possible ‘Guardians’ Sequel, and ‘Dr. Strange’
By eelyajekiM
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Saturday, June 21st, 2014 at 3:12 pm
With the Ant-Man controversy well behind us, Dr. Strange having found a new director, and Guardians of the Galaxy hitting theaters in six weeks, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige is making the rounds promoting the various titles. Feige was over at CineEurope, and talked to TotalFilm about the state of Ant-Man, what we can expect to see in Dr. Strange, and where the Guardians could be headed on their next adventure.
Hit the jump for more.
On Ant-Man:
Ant-Man is still going to come out on 17 July [2015], we start filming this August. Edgar Wright, who I’ve known for many years, who wrote the draft with Joe Cornish – much of the movie will still be based very much on that draft and the DNA of what Edgar has created up to this point, but Peyton Reed has stepped in [to direct].
On Adam McKay doing the rewrites on Edgar Wright‘s script:
Adam McKay, a very good writer, is reworking parts of the script – not the entirety of the script, but some of it – and it’s going to, we believe, come to life in the best version of Ant-Man that we could possibly make. Again Ant-Man is a very important character for us. We like that people don’t necessarily know what it is, we like that it sounds sort of strange when you first hear the notion of Ant-Man, or a hero that can shrink, but he’s a very key Marvel character. He’s a key Avenger. He’s an important character we want to bring into our universe and Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas and an amazing cast all set to start in August, we believe that we’re on the road to the best version of Ant-Man that we could have.
On Dr. Strange, and announcing Scott Derrickson as the director:
Scott Derrickson has been announced as the director. Doctor Strange is a character that I’ve been interested in for many, many years and that I’ve talked about in interviews for probably 14 years, because I believe it’s very, very important for us to explore every nook and cranny of the comic-book universe. We’ve done the street-level heroes, and we’ve done the billionaire superheroes [on Earth]. We’ve now done the cosmic side with Thor and Avengers and most obviously with Guardians. But there’s a whole other side of the Marvel comics, which is that supernatural side, the interdimensional side of the Marvel universe. Doctor Strange is, I believe, our entry point into that other realm, which has dozens of characters and storylines all of its own.
Now, we already know that Prometheus scribe Jon Spaihts will write the script for the film, but to hear that they will be ready to make a casting announcement is very exciting news. Perhaps they will make it in time for Comic-Con:
So Strange is very, very important, not just because it’s an amazing character study, and a journey of a man who’s gone from this very arrogant surgeon to somebody who is quite zen and literally keeps all of reality together on a daily basis, but it also is going to open up a whole other side of storytelling for our movies. So we’re about to hire a writer to redo a draft, and we think we’ll be casting probably in the next month or two, and announcing an actor, and then we get into production in the spring of next year.
On the topic of Guardians, and the possibility of a sequel, Feige had this to say:
There are dozens and dozens of Guardians Of The Galaxy storylines – there’s a group that came about in the ’60s, they were revamped again in the ’80s and they changed into this incarnation that you see in this movie about eight or nine years ago. So there are a lot of other characters and worlds and stories. So should this film work, should the audience come out for this one, there are definitely places we can take it and we have ideas of where we’d like to go with it, but really all the energy goes into the first movie first.
I really hope Guardians goes well and spawns other cosmic heros. They are my favourites. I know silver surfer is at fox, but there are still plenty left, Mar-Vell, Ms Danvers, Ms Rambeau, Blue marvel, Adam Warlock, nova, Magus, Ego, the champion (she hulk in her cosmic lawyer form), black heart, the be yonder, the watcher, the builders and the inhumans all come to mind, but I’m sure Marvel own loads…
Fingers crossed I’m not the only one who would go and see these on film hehe
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
I really hope Guardians goes well and spawns other cosmic heros. They are my favourites. I know silver surfer is at fox, but there are still plenty left, Mar-Vell, Ms Danvers, Ms Rambeau, Blue marvel, Adam Warlock, nova, Magus, Ego, the champion (she hulk in her cosmic lawyer form), black heart, the be yonder, the watcher, the builders and the inhumans all come to mind, but I’m sure Marvel own loads…
Fingers crossed I’m not the only one who would go and see these on film hehe
Comment by Cameron — June 22, 2014 @ 4:15 am