![David Lynch and Mark Frost's Twin Peaks David Lynch and Mark Frost's Twin Peaks]()
Back in May of 2013 Netflix CCO Ted Sarandos talked about the possibility of them reviving dead TV show favorites that were canceled far too early, such as Firefly, Jericho, and Twin Peaks.
As it turns out, one of those shows is now ready to rise from its grave. It has been announced that Twin Peaks, the popular mystery drama from David Lynch and Mark Frost that ran for two seasons from 1990 to 1991 (and was followed by a movie, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, in 1992), will be returning in 2016 on Showtime.
Showtime revealed the news in a video announcement, which can be seen below.
The Twin Peaks revival will be a limited series, similarly to the recent 24: Live Another Day, running for nine episodes. Even more exciting, both David Lynch and Mark Frost will write and produce the episodes, and Lynch will direct all nine episodes himself.
The show will be set in the present day, and promises to continue the lore of the original while offering both the answers and satisfying conclusion fans have been anxiously awaiting for over two decades now.
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