The Last Man on Earth
Season 1 Episode 3: “Raisin Balls and Wedding Bells”
Directed by Jason Woliner
Written by Emily Spivey
Starring Will Forte, Cleopatra Coleman, January Jones, Kristen Schaal, and Mel Rodriguez.
Air Date: Sunday, March 8, 2015, 9:30pm
So what did you think of the premiere of FOX’s new comedy The Last Man on Earth? Weird, right? Not sure how you felt about it – was a little sad, a little funny, and ripe with possibilities?
Yeah… me too.
Last week’s two-episode premiere — Last Man on Earth 1.1 “Alive in Tucson” and 1.2 “The Elephant in the Room” — spent a little while exploring just what someone would do in Phil Miller’s (Will Forte) situation. There were a few wish fulfillment options — the margarita pool, walking around in your underwear all day, stealing stuff that was valuable in the old world. And then he met the last woman on Earth, Carol (Kristen Schaal), who seemed as uptight as Phil is lax. She is clinging to the old world, insisting that Phil marry her before they start repopulating the world. (See full review here).
The Last Man on Earth 1.3 “Raisin Balls and Wedding Bells” review: This was a really good episode. While last week’s yawned a bit mimicking Phil Miller’s loneliness, this week dug into the burgeoning relationship between these two opposite people. As you can tell from the title, there was a wedding. And it was a little sad, and then a bit heartwarming, but the after was really really funny. These two started clicking a bit. I started to care more this episode, instead of disliking these two (my problem from last week). Ten episodes have been made and ordered, and it is headed in the right direction.
The “big surprise” in the press release was a big surprise to me. I was thinking it was something else the entire episode until the last second.
P.S. I really want Phil Miller to cut his beard.
FOX’s press release:
SUN MAR 8 9:30/8:30c
Phil Miller continues to adjust to life as the last man on earth, while settling into his new mansion in Tucson. But his solitary existence could be upended in the all-new “Raisinballs and Wedding Bells” episode of THE LAST MAN ON EARTH airing Sunday, March 8 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Image Gallery
THE LAST MAN ON EARTH | Another Form Of Spaghetti from “Raisinballs and Wedding Bells”
Carol explains why she wants to marry Phil.
THE LAST MAN ON EARTH | The Nightmare Of Nightmares from “Raisinballs and Wedding Bells”
Phil wakes up from an old fashioned nightmare.
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