Miami Vice Remix #3
Written by Joe Casey
Art by Jim Mahfood
Colors by Justin Stewart
Edited by Shannon Eric Denton
Production Artist: Kristen Fitzner Denton
Cover art by Jim Mahfood
IDW Publishing
Release Date: May 13, 2015
Cover Price: $3.99
Miami Vice Remix #3 is crazy. Everything about it crazy. There’s cops on drugs, an alligator, voodoo drug dealers, a crying police captain, the list goes on and on. What’s even crazier is that everything about this book works. It works really well. Let’s take a more in-depth look…
Writer Joe Casey just dumps everything that he has in his head out on the page, and it works in an amazing way. Not only that, but make no mistake, this IS Miami Vice in every sense of the words. He’s taken everything that was amazing about the television show and turned it on its ear and made it relevant for today’s audience, while not making it totally unrecognizable for people like me, who watched and loved the series.
Miami Vice Remix #3, Casey does some pretty bold things with Crockett and Tubbs, but that’s what makes the issue so enjoyable. He pits the partners against almost literally impossible odds, and then lets the audience decide if they “win” or not.
Do I even need to sell you on artist Jim Mahfood? The man is legendary, and there’s a good reason for that. He’s awesome! For me to go over how fun and brilliant his storytelling, exaggerated facial expressions, over-the-top action, laugh-out-loud sound effects, and more are would be redundant. Simply put, it’s more amazing work from artist Jim Mahfood.
The bright colors done nicely by Justin Stewart, the explosive situations, the undercover drug dealings — this issue really turns up the volume in this already loud series. It’s a nail biter, it’s a roller coaster ride, it’s crazy, epic fun, just like the rest of the series has been, but with this issue things REALLY get moving. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

This has been an excellent series so far, I’m highly looking forward to each issue as soon as I’m done reading the one I just bought.
Comment by FatMat426 — May 17, 2015 @ 9:15 pm