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Adam Sandler’s ‘Pixels’ Gets The Honest Trailers Treatment
Dr. Zaius   |  @   |  

Honest Trailers Pixels

I have to be honest; I did not see Pixels. I saw the preview and thought it looked like a great idea and a lot of fun, but then I remembered one thing. Adam Sandler hasn’t been in a live-action comedy I actually enjoyed since Bedtime Stories in 2008 almost a decade ago… and seriously, if I didn’t have small kids, I probably would’ve skipped that one too. Adam Sandler has gone from one of Hollywood’s can’t miss comedic actors, to being relegated to direct to Netflix “comedies” like The Ridiculous Six and most recently The Do-Over. He’s an easy target for sarcasm and ridicule, and thus we get an Honest Trailer for his 2015 critical flop Pixels by the gang at Screen Junkies.

Check out the Honest Trailer below.

From Happy Madison Productions, the studio with a 20% average rating on Rotten Tomatoes comes the movie that proves that somehow combining a great director like Chris Columbus and the awesomeness of Tyrion Lannister, can still be defeated by the overall suckage of Adam Sandler. “What are we doing man, we’re too old, it’s disgusting”… that is an actual line from the movie. So watch as he recycles the same humor that wore thin in the early 2000s, and continues his latest trend of pairing shlubs with gorgeous women, as Peter Dinklage gets Serena Williams, Josh Gad gets a supermodel, and Sandler gets to make out with Michelle Monaghan. I mean, at least he doesn’t get to be Salma Hayek’s on screen husband again… damn you Grown Ups!

Starring: They’re Not Gonna Laugh At You, A Lannister Must Have Needed To Pay His Debts, No-Laf (get it… instead of Olaf), and Cuuuuuuuubes… New Title: Sh*tsels. Hey, it’s not that great, but neither is the movie. In full disclosure, I feel it’s necessary to admit that my wife and I just saw Sandler and friends on the Do-Over comedy tour and they were absolutely hilarious… maybe they just need to go back to stand up for a while.

Screen Junkies currently have almost 5.6 million subscribers on YouTube and release new Honest Trailers every Tuesday.


Honest Trailers – Pixels

[Source: Screen Junkies]

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