Season 4 Episode 2: “A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina”
Directed by Louis Shaw Milito
Written by Danny Cannon
Created by Bruno Heller
Starring Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, David Mazouz, Camren Bicondova, Cory Michael Smith, Erin Richards, Chris Chalk, Jessica Lucas, Drew Powell, Morena Baccharin
Air Date: Thursday, September 28th, 2017, 8pm
Warning! Spoilers below tonight’s episode of Gotham!
Last week on Gotham, Penguin’s (Robin Lord Taylor) new business giving out crime licenses was flourishing and even the GCPD is on board – except for Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie). Penguin wanted to unionize crime. Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) also did not like it, having run across it during a vigilante run. Tabitha (Jessica Lucas) started training Selina (Camren Bicondova). An unlicensed gang took Jonathan Crane (Charlie Tahan), and forced him to make more fear juice. Gordon used Penguin to flush out the gang and make Penguin look cowardly.
Spoilers below.
Gotham 4.2 “A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper” review: The GCPD pulls up on the house where Jonathan Crane should be. Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) search the house, and find a man hanging like a scarecrow outside – screaming in fear (the guy not our heroes).
Alfred (Sean Pertwee) comes to fetch Bruce from jail. Gordon just lets him go, promising to talk later. Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk) sees right through the lies, speaking in double meanings.
Crane visits the warden, who is busy destroying evidence. He sprays the toxin, bringing forth the required screens. “What do you fear warden?” Obviously, clowns. The warden chases his phantom clowns with a gun and shoots them all (all being the staff).
Penguin visits Gordon. “The only thing the GCPD knows how to do well is fail.” Harvey shows him the front page calling Penguin a chicken. Penguin is on his pulpit, challenging Gordon in front of the press.
Selina and Tabatha show up at the same place. It’s Barbara (Erin Richards), surprise! How is she alive? “This is Gotham.” She tells Tabitha that she wishes she could take it back. “It” being killing Butch. “Kill me if you don’t believe me.” Barbara has this opulent place for them, filled with guns. She wants to build a business for the criminals. And she wants to do it with them.
They get the call about the asylum being overrun. Nobody in the GCPD wants to join Gordon on the hunt. Even Harvey does not want to go. He goes it alone like a very brave dumbass. Scarecrow is delighted. “You will pay for what you have done.” He sprays Jim. What scares Jim Gordon the most? Ever the romantic hero, Jim’s biggest fear is Lee being hurt. “You destroy everything you touch,” fake Lee says. Scarecrow tries to convince Jim to kill himself. Jim overcomes his fear and it ends. He and Crane fight, and Crane sets the loonies on him. Jim discovers water calms down the screams and sets off the sprinklers.
Penguin visits Barbara with the terms of her business. She has to pay, pay, pay. Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) is so funny even though he is barely onscreen.
Bruce goes back to that gang and almost gets shot, but Alfred saves him, and they argue. Fox shows up and brings the bat costume, with a communication device. “In case you two wish to talk to each other while climbing rock.”
Ivy (Maggie Geha) tries to join the girl gang, but Tabitha rebuffs her. I feel so bad for her. Tabitha’s willing to talk to Barbara, but wants Barbara to let her cut off her hand first. Barbara agrees, however, Tabitha does not do it.
Penguin offers jobs to the cops. Harvey takes Jim out for a drinks, and inadvertently gives Jim an idea – Don Falcone.
Ivy needs a change, and looks for the good stuff. She drinks all of the poisons. Now the fun begins.
Bruce masks up. He’s Batman! Yay!
What an utterly lovely and full episode. The sequence with Lee and Gordon was haunting and completely believable.
I’m a little perturbed about Bullock not being completely on Jim’s side. He is supposed to be his partner for life. I also have mixed feelings about Tabitha joining Barbara. I really loved her relationship with Butch, and I don’t want them to team up so quickly (no matter the warnings).
I LOVE the idea of bringing Falcone back onto the canvas. He was one of my favorites. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (have I mentioned LOVE?) the way the Bruce/Alfred/Fox dynamic is evolving, and I’m looking forward to the rest of that this season.
Gotham airs Thursday nights at 8:00pm ET on FOX.
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Harvey & Gordon Receive A Frightening Message From The Scarecrow | Season 4 Ep. 2 | GOTHAM
The Scarecrow sends a powerful message to Gordon and Harvey.
Penguin Hassles Gordon About Catching The Man Who Almost Killed Him | Season 4 Ep. 2 | GOTHAM
Penguin comes to the station on a mission: to find Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow).
Barbara Kean Comes Back And Surprises Selina & Tabitha | Season 4 Ep. 2 | GOTHAM
Barbara Kean presents Selina and Tabitha with an opportunity they can’t refuse.
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