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Game Review: ‘Back To The Future: The Game’ 30th Anniversary Edition
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Back to the Future: The Game
The 30th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: Telltale Games
Christopher Lloyd, Tom Wilson, Claudia Wells, A.J. LoCasio
Platform: Playstation 4 | Xbox One
Release date: October 13, 2015

In honor of October 21, 2015, aka “Back to the Future Day,” I decided to check out Back to the Future: The Game, the 30th Anniversary Edition, from Telltale Games. If you haven’t gotten to play this edition yet, then you are in for a treat.

Back to the Future: The Game takes place six months after the events of Back to the Future Part III, where the year is 1986. The Bank in Hill Valley is holding an estate sale for the late Doctor Emmett Brown (voiced by the always talented Christopher Lloyd, reprising his franchise role). Marty McFly (voiced by A.J. LoCasio) shows up and finds out his father George is running the sale. The Delorean shows up without Doc, but with Einstein and a tape recorder. Marty finds out that the Doc (going under the name of Carl Sagan) is accused of arson of a speakeasy in 1931. From there the adventure is delivered in classic Back to the Future fashion.

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Book Review: Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Raise The Dawn
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Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Raise The DawnStar Trek: Typhon Pact: Raise The Dawn
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Paperback | Kindle
Written by David E. George III
Pocket Books
Release Date June 26, 2012

When it comes to the expanded universe for Star Trek, I am a bit of a newbie but so far my adventures into the universe of the books has been well worth it. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Raise The Dawn is a follow-up book to Plagues of Night which sees the destruction of Deep Space 9 by the Typhon Pact, which is made up of the Romulan Star Empire, Tholian Assembly, Breen Confederacy, and Gorn Hegemony. Tensions have risen been the Typhon Pact and the Federation for a while and now there could be total war.

Raise The Dawn picks up with Captain Benjamin Sisko (who was played by Avery Brookson the show Deep Space Nine) on his knees on the bridge of his ship, the U.S.S. Robinson, watching the destruction of his station and his wife’s ship. From there we go to the U.S.S. Enterprise, which is going through the wormhole on its way back to the alpha quadrant. While traveling through the wormhole, the Enterprise crew finds a chunk of Deep Space Nine floating through it and on board is not only Kassidy Yates Sisko, but Major Kira. Meanwhile, Starfleet Command tells the U.S.S. Defiant to track down the Romulan vessel that was seen leaving the station just before the explosion.

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Book Review: Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History
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Star Trek Department of Temporal InvestigationsStar Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History
By Christopher L. Bennett
Simon and Schuster/Pocket Books
Publish Date: April 28th, 2012
Paperback | Kindle

Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History is the second in the series of Star Trek books that deal with the Federation’s Department of Temporal Investigations. If you don’t know what they do, that’s OK, here’s a little background. The DTI deals with crimes and incidents involving time travel and the possible alteration of the timeline. The department is made up of agents from all sorts of species from the Federation. Forgotten History starts off with DTI agents Garcia (who is human) and Agent Ranjea (who is a Deltan) on board the Starfleet vessel Everest which is on loan to the DTI. While on board the ship they stumble upon an anomaly in space that is bridging the years 2275 and 2383 together. In the middle of the anomaly is a ship that looks exactly like the Enterprise that James T. Kirk commanded, it even has the original engines on it. But it is called “Timeship II” and it belongs to the DTI. As soon as the ship is found, Garcia and Ranjea contact DTI headquarters and tell not only the director but two top notch human agents named Dulmur and Lucsly (if any of you are familiar with the two agents they were introduced in the Deep Space Nine episode Trials and Tribble-ations).

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Book Review: Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching The Clock
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Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching The ClockStar Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching The Clock
The Next Generation
By Christopher L. Bennett
Simon and Schuster | Pocket Books
Paperback | Kindle
Release Date: April 26, 2011

Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching the Clock is one of the most unique Star Trek: The Next Generation books I have read. Even though this book has been out for a year, I decided to read it anyway and find out what it was all about. It has one of my favorite Star Trek topics, which is time travel.

The book starts off with two agents from the Department of Temporal Investigations (which deals with time travel laws and regulations and sometimes detective work on temporal crimes) named Gariff Lucsly and Marion Dulmur who are investigating a temporal displacement of a Federation starship that has been found after being lost in time for 16 years. On board the ship Lucsly and Dulmur find an interesting young woman named Teresa Garcia and recruit her to become a new agent at the DTI.

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Book Review: Star Trek: That Which Divides
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Star Trek: That Which DividesStar Trek: That Which Divides
The Original Series
By Dayton Ward
Pocket Books
Release date: February 28, 2012
Paperback | Kindle

Star Trek: That Which Divides is an example of a great Star Trek story. It takes us to the era of The Original Series with Kirk, Spock, Scotty, and McCoy all in the officer’s lounge playing a poker game in which Spock is cleaning them out. Kirk aboard the Enterprise is en route to the Kondaii system to investigate a spatial rift that is surrounding a planetoid that is a key mining colony and to investigate a Federation vessel that crashed there and look for survivors. The rift opens up every three years allowing trade between the small planetoid and the other inhabited planet in the system. The species in the system are called the Dolysians and they are humanoid. They have low level warp technology which allows them to send ships through the rift.

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