| Holiday Gift Guide 2023: Dungeons & Dragons |
By Waerloga69
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Friday, November 24th, 2023 at 5:06 pm |

Another year, another chance to gift your favorite beloved tabletop gamer more Dungeons & Dragons goodies for the holiday season. Because, as usual, Wizards of the Coast and other publishers working alongside of them, has delivered. I am so pleased to be able to bring you this list, some of which I possess and others that I will have soon, I am sure. I wish you all the best this holiday season, dear readers. Now, on with the show! Here’s the 2023 Holiday Gift Guide: Dungeons & Dragons Edition:
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Tags: Bigby Presents, coloring book, D&D, DnD, Dragonlance, Dragons Of Fate, Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Flavors of the Multiverse, Glory Of The Giants, Hallmark, Heroes Feast, Jigsaw Puzzles, Keys From The Golden Vault, Lore and Legends, Ornament, Phandelver And Below: The Shattered Obelisk, Planescape, Postcards, stickers, The Deck of Many Things, The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons, The Ultimate Pop-Up Book, Themberchaud, Wizards of the Coast, Young Adventurer's Guides, Young Adventurer's Workbook | |
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| Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2020: Video Games
Video games have always been a great way to escape reality for many. But I’m not sure that there has ever been a better year to escape to video game worlds than the one we’re all clawing our way through right now. While some games that were set to release this year have been delayed due to the pandemic, there are still plenty of great video game gift options this year. The most exciting of these options (to some folks, anyway) is no doubt the release of a couple of shiny new consoles. So if you’re looking for some gift ideas for the gamers in your life, be sure to head below for the Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2020: Video Games edition.
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| Metalhead’s Holiday Gift Guide 2020
Well metalheads, it’s Christmas time again. And no matter how much you profess to worship the devil, no matter how hard you go in the pit, no matter how tall your spikes are, no matter how long your hair is… admit it, you love Christmas. Come on, we see you headbanging to “White Christmas” and laying out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve… even if you do eat them yourself the next day. Well, the cool thing is, Christmas is a great time for metalheads. Know why? Because right around the holidays, there’s always tons of new cool shit for metalheads to buy. Here are a few gifts that will be ideal for your Christmas list, whether you’re doing the giving or the getting. The 2020 Metalhead’s Holiday Gift Guide
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| Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2019: Video Games
Thanks to the rise of digital and the overwhelming takeover of online only games as a service, buying friends and family awesome video game gifts gets harder and harder with each new holiday season. But thankfully, physical games aren’t quite dead yet. There are still plenty of goodies available out there to snatch up, wrap up all pretty like, and give to someone you love in hopes of seeing that smilin’ face on Christmas morn’ for your generosity. In Geeks of Doom’s Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2019: Video Games, you’ll find plenty of video game options to consider for your holiday shopping. This includes some of the year’s top games, the various console options and bundles currently available, and more. Check it out below.
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| Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2019: Specialty Items |
By Pfeff-Bot
Tuesday, November 26th, 2019 at 4:11 pm |

We all love shopping online –– it’s definitely a guilty pleasure for Pfeff-Bot –– but when our holiday gift list keeps getting longer, the idea of searching for each individual gift can be daunting. Here at Geeks of Doom we’ve made it easy by curating some of our top picks that will make the perfect gifts for your loved ones…or you! And husband-wife team Pfeff-Bot and Maximus Prime have had quite a fun time in the process (we might end up buying most of these for ourselves or each other”¦)! Check out our Holiday Geek Gift Guide 2019: Specialty Items below for thrills and inspiration!
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